How to find a Coven

1 Conversation

How to find a Coven or Group

If you are looking for a group then going out and
meeting people and talking, asking questions and
showing your intent of finding a group are the most
important steps.

If you stay at home and never mingle with other people
then don't expect anything to happen. This is not a
'spoonfed' path to walk, there is a lot of serious
work involved and when you do find a group,the work
doesn't stop.

Joining a Coven means giving up a lot of free time,
subsituting social time for Coven time and spending a
lot of time studying and experiencing... So which ever
path you follow, and which ever type of group you are
seeking - make an effort and be patient.

In big cities such as the one we live in, London (UK)
there is no reason to say 'But there is nothing to go
to'. There are online organisations such as WWL who
keep their members informed of social events,
workshops, training groups, conferences and open
rituals. The WWL also organise events just for their
members, so that you can meet the faces behind the
names. To find out more about WWL visit:

The Witches Voice - is another
great resource. You can find contacts with similar
interests to yourself to correspond with, but most
importantly they list all the major events,
conferences and festivals organised by Pagans from all
over the world. They also list smaller events, such
as pub moots and workshops.

In parts of the world it is not that easy, and you
might have to travel to attend conferences or
workshops. This might seem like a lot of work just to
meet other people, but if you are serious then travel
should not deter you from your path.

When you do get the oppurtunity to meet other Pagans
make an effort to ask around about open groups and
other events. As the organisers of the event if they
know of groups which might be taking on new trainees.

It is important to note that even in big cities such
as London there are very few new groups forming and
the groups in existance might only take on a trainee
every few years. Those who do might expect to
interview you to see if you will fit in with the rest
of their group. If this happens take the oppurtunity
to interview them too! Be honest with them, but make
sure that their answers also satisfy you. Ask what
they will be expecting from you and what training they
will be providing you with.

Unfortunately there are still some dubious groups
using the name of Wicca to cover other activities. Do
not just join a group because they happen to be the
first one which approaches you!


You should feel comfortable with your HPS & HP;
Sex should not be expected in return for training, nor
should it be part of your initiation;
You should not be expected to contribute large sums of
money in return for training - although you should
expect to contribute towards temple expenses;
Confidentiality is VERY important in Wiccan groups;
Expect a lot of hard work!
Finally you should enjoy being part of the group you

This article was written by Sorita (2000) and is also available on ===================================================

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