A Conversation for Talking Point - Pet Ownership


Post 1

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

I have a parrot. He's very loving and trusting and cuddly, but he's stupid and can't talk.

They make great pets. And even better sandwich fillings.

smiley - angelsmiley - spork


Post 2


What kind of parrot? And how old is (s)he? Some parrots (like the African Grey) don't learn to talk until they're a year or two old. And some species just aren't talkers. My cockatiels are gifted mimics and whistlers but generally don't talk much. No clue about whether they'd make good sandwich fillings...smiley - winkeye


Post 3

The One And Only Juno Thundercat (The Patron Saint of Ham Sandwiches)

He's an Ecclectus parrot, and he's 4 on December 18th.

He is very good at whistling, especially when I'm listening to Guns N Roses, Bowling For Soup or Hell is For Heroes.

smiley - angelsmiley - spork

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