A Conversation for Mostly Harmless MC- The H2G2 Motorcycle Club

Support your local hardware/engineering shop

Post 1


As mentioned, replacing the wheel bearings on the CB.
Local honda dealer wanted about 15quid per bearing.
Online honda specialist wanted 11quid per bearing.

Little engineering shop round the corner from me?
2 wheel bearings, 2 dust seals, no p&p, no 2/3days wait for delivery, in yer hand, here and now.
15quid the lot!

OK, they ain't NSK bearings, but still. Quite a difference I think.

And you know you are in a proper mechanics shop when to measure them up they reach under the counter and get a set of vernier calipers!

Support your local hardware/engineering shop

Post 2


It's nice indeed to find someone like that. I've been going to the same mechanic for years; small and independent but reliable. smiley - smiley

Support your local hardware/engineering shop

Post 3


blimey, a lesser spotted BadZen! How you doing?
And where you been hiding or have I just not been moving int he right HooToo circles?

Support your local hardware/engineering shop

Post 4


Oh, I drop by from time to time smiley - smiley Occasionally add to the limerick game F2137311?thread=315229

Hope all is good for you mate! We want to get back to Europe sometime in the next couple of years - can't believe it's been nearly 3 since we were there...but anyway, we'll get there. smiley - smiley

Support your local hardware/engineering shop

Post 5


yes, not bad at all. Bike passed MOT - and I noticed the change now I've replaced those front bearings. Amazing how well it tracks round corners now it has proper working wheel bearings!

Another trip to Europe huh? Doesn't seem like 3yrs ago, yer right. Let us know if you head this way again.

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