This is the Message Centre for peachpit

Welcome to h2g2...

Post 1

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

That sounds like an interesting group, but we generally (though you don't have to smiley - winkeye) use our personal spaces to introduce ourselves. The group may be a better topic for a guide entry. If you want help making one of those, feel free to ask.

By now you're undoubtedly wondering who I am, and how I ended up here. Well, I'm Shorty, and I'm an ACE (Assistant Community Editor). We ACEs are a group of volunteers who, basically, meet-and-greet. smiley - biggrin

I have made a list of links which will help you on your way through h2g2, which you can get to by clicking here: A621730smiley - wizard Other than that, look around a bit and have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Just click on the reply button at the bottom of this post and type away! smiley - ok

Shorty smiley - cheerup

ps: if you want to change your nickname to something more interesting, click on the preferences button, either on the top or left side of your window, to change it.

Welcome to h2g2...

Post 2

Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond

Hail to you, Lady Rhia and her friend Lauren. Welcome to the guide. I'm glad that you got set up all right, and hope that you enjoy your stay. It looks like you're figuring out most of the basic features just fine. And take Shorty's advice, and look at the page of useful links. Especially the h2g2 tour. You won't regret it.

Again, enjoy your stay.
smiley - cheers

Welcome to h2g2...

Post 3


thank you for your reply. i was not expecting anyone to do that.I will certainly take a look at those links!
smiley - elfRhia


Post 4


hi vidmaster! i wasn't sure who you were at first but now i know! I thought maybe it was a coincidence.
Lady Rhia


Post 5

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

Hello all!

(must run, I have oodles of backlog to catch up on...)

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