A Conversation for Knowle/Dorridge, Solihull, West Midlands

Touchwood/John Lewis

Post 1

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Solihull town centre has recently undergone major redevelopment, with a new shopping centre (Touchwood) and a John Lewis in the centre.

Touchwood/John Lewis

Post 2

Lord Preston

it has, but this is an entry specificaly about Knowle and Dorridge.

Touchwood/John Lewis

Post 3

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Oops. Random posting. Sorry. smiley - blush
It wouldn't be the first time I'd done that, either smiley - doh
smiley - run

Whoami? smiley - cake

Touchwood/John Lewis

Post 4

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

i git back to the uk on wed. and managed to see touchwood on thursday while meating some friends..... whole thing was a bit of disapointment to be honest..... seems unless i'm 15 or a 40 yr old woman theres really nothing there........

Touchwood/John Lewis

Post 5

Lord Preston

its ok. does seem to be for the women but there are pleanty of coffee shops if you like to chill and the leather chairs are comfortble so while ur mrs goes shopping you can rest and wait for her!
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

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