This is the Message Centre for Serephina

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 1


Bet you thought this was going to be from 2legs smiley - winkeye

Thursday night, ged , josh and I headed off out for dinner at the pub down the hill. When we got back I got a surprise to find a spork of all things in the road by the kerb! stranger still was big black ball of fur in the grass.. nighthoover mustve popped over while we were out..what else could it have been? smiley - weirdsmiley - laugh

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 2


smiley - erm..A Wombat?

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 3


blasphemphy! smiley - yikes

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 4


Is that how you spell Wombat in the UK?....smiley - laugh

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 5


They used to have a Willy Wombat in UK back when i was a small innocent child.


A visit from nighthoover?

Post 6


smiley - rofl Terri..."When I was a small innocent child...". was that when you were still in the womb.....?....smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 7


Nah, long before, when i was just a twinkle in me Papa's eyesmiley - winkeye


A visit from nighthoover?

Post 8


Aaawww,smiley - musicalnote.."Twinkle Twinkle, Little Egg Terri, Here Comes a Tadpole Into Your Mummies Belly".....

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 9


smiley - yuk Sounds gruesome!!!!

Anyway, tadpoles grow up to become frogs & witchsmiley - witch came first, long before either the chickensmiley - chick or the eggsmiley - friedegg!

Any more spooky signs from n i g h t h o o v e r Seraphina?


A visit from nighthoover?

Post 10


The dinosaurs came first, Terri......smiley - biggrin


A visit from nighthoover?

Post 11

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

A Chicken and an egg lying in a bed, the chicken's got a cigarette hanging out of it's mouth...

smiley - cheers

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes nighthoover is near... very near smiley - yikes

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 13


Sorry I've had shiteto no net connection for days smiley - sadface

no more from the suctiony one yet

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 14


Good to see you back, Serephina....smiley - smiley

Not having an internet connection "sucks" the lifeblood out of us...smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers


A visit from nighthoover?

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

one day far far away when the tides are a flowing and the streaqms babble away

a hoovery noise on the edge of a distant breeze, a small arthritic tortoise and a very loud sneeze

'the hoover is coming' the children all call, as they smoke marijuana
and dismantle the wall

the wall it lies scattered, bricks to the wind,
over the hill comes the hoovery one with a dust-sucking thing
smiley - ermsmiley - zensmiley - zoomsmiley - zoomsmiley - zoomsmiley - zoomsmiley - zoom

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 16

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

This is getting scary... smiley - lurk

Time to send me kids to bed...

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Scary? smiley - yikessmiley - run

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 18


I got a new hoover today..its really fab and super sucky smiley - drool

A visit from nighthoover?

Post 19


smiley - yikes. I have just gotten up out of bed! I hope there is no such thing as a dayhoover. Peeb smiley - rolleyes and looks around carefully, knees trembling and heart hammering. I have opened the front door in case I have to smiley - run for my life...

smiley - wah


A visit from nighthoover?

Post 20

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I believe, as we all do, in believing we believe, and as in the believing is beliving so that then for how is that the believing can be believed, and in the night of the hoover fore so as it is also unto that of the day, the daysweeper smiley - zen

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