This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 1


Tomorrow Genie, Ellie and her sister Laura are doing the cancer research race for life again. I wasn't able to join them last year, nor am I this year smiley - sadface but I'm quite determined to join in next year. It's such a worthy cause and if Ellie can do it after all she's been through, as those who've met her know, I can certainly start getting my chunky old butt in gear.
It's also still not too late to sponser these wonderful ladies at if any of you are that way inclined..I'm sure they would be most gratefulsmiley - winkeye.

Good luck girls smiley - divasmiley - bubbly

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 2

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

get yourself a bike, best thing i ever donesmiley - smiley

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 3


smiley - goodluck to them and their efforts...we have lots of fun runs for various charities here in Oz. My knees are too dodgy to participate unfortunately, but I always try to donate some cash, not so much as I would like though.

smiley - cheers


Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 4


you've no idea how scary the thought of me on a bike truly is rev smiley - rofl

Its my knees that trouble me too, and my back

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 5


smiley - oksmiley - applausesmiley - goodluck

Brilliant idea!!!!! I bet you will get loads of support; hey, half of hootoo will sponsor you!

zdt*we will not let our knees beat us into submissionsmiley - nahnah*

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 6

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Hummm, the reason I said "get a bike" cus the doctor said to me "It's the safest way of exercising, cus your sat down and your body is supported while you exercise" and you can get 3 wheeled bikes too, or you could try swimming too, cus the water supports your body too, but good luck in what ever you try smiley - biggrin

RJR smiley - smiley

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 7


I spose I could chatup Ged to buy me an exercise bike smiley - winkeye

He could do with a bit of toning up too smiley - run

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 8

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

nope buy one with wheels on it, much better to see the world go by when you pedalsmiley - biggrin

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

I think the exercise bike is a brilliant idea - no risk of it being stolen or vandalised, no risk of an accident, no need to dress up before going out, weather independent - it's ideal. I wish I had one.

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 10

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Ok! If it's the thing that get's you out and exercising go for it smiley - biggrin All I'll say is a "real" bike is better for you and also you get's smiled at, well when other cycle'sts go past they all smile! At first it really strange cus you don't know these people are, smiling at you, but then you relise it's cus your on a bike, somthing thats speicalsmiley - biggrin

RJR (two sticks and a smile)

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 11


I will stick to walking. Haven't had a car in yonks, and my knee is improving after surgery, so I am back to about 5Kms per day on foot. Plus you get to say hello and smile to fellow walkers....

smiley - cheers


Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 12

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - smiley

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 13


Not long home from the hospital. I got there yesterday afternoon after having another rather serious collapse. Ged was at work and Josh at school, but Genie had popped in on me as I've had a nasty bit of cold/chest infection , and thankfully she was here when it happened or i don't know if i would be here now smiley - sadface

Anyway, i'm home again after a night and the most of today and yesterday in there. They discharged me and i'm to see my own gp monday about the cause of the panic attacks that contribute to these major attacks. I'm also going to try and make friends with thbe nicotne patches tomorrow..i have so much to live for and yesterday morning, couldve lost it all. I don't want to take that chance again.

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 14


Take good care of yourself is the main thing...smiley - hug


Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 15

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm just glad you weren't alone and are back home. smiley - hug

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 16


My eldest daughter gets panic attacks. She will often phone me and as much as I try to help her through them, I am unable to offer any real assistance other than reassurance. It is impossible to find out from her what triggers these attacks so I can sympathise with you Serephina...

smiley - hug


Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 17


I got put on beta-blockers for my panic attacks. They at least reduce the heart palpitation stuff; but they don't interact well with asthma meds (Ventolin etc) & it's a vicious circle: when you get a panic attack, your chest closes up, you can't breathe but also your heart is it's hard to know what to reach for first.Plus, weirdly, having a ciggie sometimes actually helps if you are just a bit wheezy, it makes you cough, same effect as Ventolin, once that happens, your chest isn't so tight, so you panic less.

It might be worth asking the doc if they would be suitable in your case.


Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 18


Jodi is like me...won't take any medication...smiley - smiley

Anyway it is FA Cup Final tonight so I have a fitness regime for today.
Going to the supermarket to buy smiley - ale,smiley - cake,smiley - choc,smiley - burger,smiley - crisps,smiley - hotdog,smiley - porkpie, and that is just for the half-time break...

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 19

Brown Eyed Girl

smiley - cuddle Hope you feel better soon smiley - smooch

Another reason to get healthier/fitter again!

Post 20

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - hug Please take care of yourself smiley - yikes

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