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I seem to be getting to old..

Post 1


..for all this up all night drinking and any other substances that happen to be on hand lark. I swear hangovers weren't this bad when i was younger smiley - laugh today i am rough as a badgers rear end and Ged thinks i'm turning into father jack smiley - yikes i didnt get to bed till after 6 am this morning so he left me in bed till 4pm bless him. Although it seems I woke up a few times to demand cigarettes n fall back to sleep again mid sentance and Josh had all in friends in as usual on a saturday morning , which i call the weekly space monkey convention. they were being a bit noisy in the front room and i'm told i kept mumbling fing shut up eff eff in my sleep smiley - rofl

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I know the feeling. A proper session seems to take a day and a half to recover from!

I used to be able to go out to warehouses, boogie for the best part of two days (drink was the least of it...) and feel fine on Monday morning. I don't like this 'getting older' lark.

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 3


It's poo smiley - wah

I wonder how many brain cells i butally murdered last night.. smiley - cdouble

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Get younger then... seems to work for me smiley - tongueoutsmiley - evilgrin Well... either that or I'm just never long enough without substances or booze or both to sober up entirely smiley - roflsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - alesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - magic

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 5

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Ah, the debauched lifestyle of the work shy.

smiley - run

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

If only I could get a job... it seems my going to university excluded me from getting a job smiley - huhsmiley - wahsmiley - ale

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 7

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Unless you fancy working a call centre smiley - evilgrin

Water by your bed is the key! When you wake up in the middle of night for no reason at all, drink some! You'll feel better in the morning. (or afternoon in my case, generally smiley - blush)

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 8


You young ones can't take the booze well. You are meant to pace your selves instead of going hell for leather...smiley - rofl

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Doubt I'd be able to get a job in a call centre either, much less want one smiley - ermsmiley - doh It'd put me worse off financially anyhow if it were too low pay smiley - ermsmiley - weird water? I always try leave a JD and coke or can of guinness by the bed if I get thirsty during the early hours smiley - magic

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 10

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

You mean like starting at 11am and then going on til the following morning?

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 11

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Eep! I could kill for a JD and coke! smiley - erm Voddy and Ribena for me at the mo! (ran out of coke during the match earliersmiley - sadface)

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Or like my Christmas: starting drinking Christmas eve at midday, then to the pub by 7, back from pub gone 2 AM, drinking at home till gone 8 AM, couple hours sleep, shower, back at the pub by 11.30 AM, drinking for a few hours, till Xmas lunch (though we did have wine with the meal), then drinking more in pub, then round friends drinking guinness, canned beer, and vodka, then round to another friends drinking all their JD (as they didn't like JD smiley - huh ) then back home and drinking till about 3 AM Boxing day morning. Round a friends drinking boxing day from midday till taxi home gone middnight smiley - alesmiley - cheerssmiley - drunk my liver loves me.

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 13

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

>my liver loves me.<

Mine wants to get out my body! smiley - laugh

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm only guessing* it loves me.... we've not been on talking terms since I was 16 smiley - biggrin

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 15


You are mad you lot, come to Oz and learn how to Party and Drink....smiley - magic

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 16

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

*back at PC during ad break*

Stephen, I think you're seriously underestimating our abilities.

I might be wrong, but isn't the cooking lager called 'Fosters' from Australia? Whereas over 'ere we've got Hobgoblin!

My case, it be resting.

smiley - biggrin

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 17


Raymondo, my good one drinks Fosters in Oz. It is rubbish beer. And as for Hobgoblins, we have Drop Bears and Gunyahs...smiley - cheers

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 18

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Never really been a serious drinker, but I can advise that staying awake for 48 hours fuelled by strong coffee, Pro Plus, and cigarettes is a *bad* idea. I spent the following 48 hours either asleep or feeling awful.

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 19


G'Day Mr Dreadful etc..

If all of you had any sense, then you should come and live in Australia.

Some of us don't drink just beer, we have some gorgeous wines, and fruit and vegies ti die for.

Plus, far away from wars and that stuff.

smiley - cheers and smiley - magic

Stephen, who was born in Pommieland

I seem to be getting to old..

Post 20

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Aussies can't drink as well as we can. When you order a beer in Oz it doesn't even come in a proper sized glass smiley - tongueout Gimme a pint of IPA any day smiley - cheers

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