A Conversation for CELTIC DEVON
Famous People from Devon (& Cornwall)
Ozzie Exile Started conversation Sep 18, 2013
This site gives a list of some of the more famous names associated with Devon
Does anybody want to add to the list?
Famous People from Devon (& Cornwall)
PennRecca Posted Sep 20, 2013
Well, here's a Devonian they missed..... William John Wills - born Totnes 1834, died Cooper Creek 1861.
Here's his entry on Wiki... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_John_Wills
I think he's better known in Australia than he is in England.
Famous People from Devon (& Cornwall)
Plymouth Exile Posted Sep 20, 2013
I could add another four famous Devonians:-
Tony Soper (born 10 January 1929) is a British naturalist, author and broadcaster.
Soper was educated at Hyde Park Elementary School and at Devonport High School for Boys, both in Plymouth. Soper co-founded the BBC's Natural History Unit.
Sir Austin "William" Pearce CBE, (born 1 September 1921, died 21 March 2004) was the Chairman of British Aerospace from 1980 until 1987. He was educated at Devonport High School for Boys, Plymouth and Birmingham University.
Angela Mortimer (born 21 April 1932) is a former World No. 1 British female tennis player. She was born in Plymouth, Devon. Mortimer won three Grand Slam singles titles, at the 1955 French Championships, the 1958 Australian Championships, and Wimbledon in 1961.
Susan "Sue" Barker, MBE (born 19 April 1956 in Paignton, Devon) is an English television presenter and former professional tennis player. During her tennis career, she won eleven WTA Tour singles titles, including one Grand Slam singles title at the 1976 French Open. She reached a career-high singles ranking of World No. 3. She is now one of the main sports presenters at the BBC.
Also the details given for Thomas Newcomen don’t do him justice, and are incorrect concerning his year of death. He did not die in 1792, (which would have made his 129 years old), but in 1729 at the age of 66. He was responsible for building the world’s first practical atmospheric steam engine (primarily for draining mines), which played an important part in starting the Industrial Revolution Over 1,000 of his engines were built.
Famous People from Devon (& Cornwall)
parrferris Posted Sep 21, 2013
Kingsley was born in Holne, not Ashburton.
Famous People from Devon (& Cornwall)
Ozzie Exile Posted Sep 25, 2013
BTW, Burke and Wills are known by almost every Australian.
The story of their exploration across Australia is legendary, especially the sad and enigmatic tale of the "dig tree" - where rescue came so close...
However, few Australians would know that Wills was Devonian. In fact, most would assume that he was Australian.
Plym Exile has also added some useful names. Some of whom I know. I will educate myself further over the next few days!!
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Famous People from Devon (& Cornwall)
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