A Conversation for Dwarf Throwing

Peer Review: A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 1

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Entry: Dwarf Throwing - A711370
Author: A huge all seeing pulsating eye - U191246

Hello, can you tell me if this entry is worthy of the guide and if not what can be done to make it so ?

smiley - headhurts will it, won't it, will it won't it smiley - headhurts

All the best..
smiley - cheers

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 2

Hiram Abif (aka Chuang Tzu's Pancreas)

two words... he larious smiley - laugh

I'd pick it now but it isn't ripe yet...

process* did you mean possess?

I think this is just the sort of thing the guide needs


A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 3

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

hi, i remember this from writing workshop. glad you moved it here and i hope it gets through


A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 4

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Thanks H.A and my dear FABT, I don't know what happens next, how do I know if it's been accepted. Who do I bribe ?

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 5

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

It's the Scouts who do the picking but you won't need to bribe anyone for picking this entry smiley - smiley

But: entries must have been in Peer Review for a whole week before they can be picked, with or without bribery smiley - winkeye

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 6

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Curiousity demands this - what is the official definition of a dwarf? Presumable a fully grown human below a certain height? Is there a weight restriction?

I know it's not PC to call people dwarfs (or is it dwarves?) and you have mentioned the 'persons of restricted growth' name. Is it worth pointing this up more?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 7

il viaggiatore

The politically correct term in the U.S. is "little people" which to my ear would sound more offensive than "dwarf".
Also the definition can't, by definition, include the words "fully grown". I think it would be better phrased as a "physically mature" person under a given height.

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 8

Post Team

As in 'vertically challenged'?

shazz smiley - magic

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 9

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

I have to be honest here, regardless how many ways you polish something the item will always stay the same, sure it looks good but looks aren't everything, I have an extremely ugly sister so I can prove that !!! She's looking if anyones interested.

The offical name for the sport is Dwarf Throwing, little people is well insulting, vertically challenged implies that these people will, if they surcum the challenge, grow to average height, I generally call these people; people, cos that's what they are... to suggest they are anything just because of they're lack of height seems foolish but society is what it is... I think in honesty it might be better to keep it Dwarf, I don't like midget or anything else but if I must call them something I'd call them Dwarfs, since Dwarfs generally kick ass in all fantasy books, are are hard as nails.

Actually should that be with a v ? Dwarves !! Yes it should !!

Peace !
smiley - cheers

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 10


According to my dictionary, both 'dwarfs' and 'dwarves' are correct. However, may I suggest that what many people find objectionable about dwarf throwing is not use of the word 'dwarf', but more the way the 'sport' dehumanises the small people by turning them into a piece of sporting equipment - a sort of human alternative to a javelin, discus or caber.

I don't have a problem with the idea of an Entry on dwarf throwing, but I wish you'd placed less emphasis on your conviction that anyone who objects to the practice 'must' be completely miserable and humourless, and more on describing the pros and cons of the 'sport' objectively.

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 11

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Umm yes it does appear that my somewhat biased opinion can be seen throughout my entry, so I do see what your getting at, that needs to be clarified straight away. You've guessed, it here it comes, wait for it, BUT....

The people who object to dwarf throwing are the people who strengthen societies negative views towards disablity, i.e. they remind people that the dwarfs getting thown are different from everyone else.

By calling this degrading they are saying to the dwarf and the other people involved "you shouldn't be doing that, because you're both different".

Reminding people of disablity differences is far worse than anything else I can think of.

I also feel that people who adopt political correctness have lost there humor, they see through politically filtered eyes only, and tend to see things that aren't really there and that was what I was targeting, the political correct peoples lack of humor, not the people who just don't like the dwarf throwing thing...

People of this world need to lighten up !!!

Have a good one smiley - cheers
smiley - zen

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 12


Er... hang on. Here we have an event in which all the active competitors are of 'normal' height. The dwarves take part only as objects to be thrown. And you think it's the OBJECTORS who are emphasising the differences between the dwarves and other people? Sorry, but I don't think so! smiley - bigeyes

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 13

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

It says under 'requirements': a dwarf, willing.

So I gather there *are* less-than-average-tallness people out there with a sense of humour, or am I mistaken?

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 14

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

might i point out at this juncture.......horse riding.

not saying that dwarves are horses, but dwarves can talk and horss cant.


A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 15

il viaggiatore

Horseriding has absolutely nothing to do with it. As un-opposed as I am to Dwarf tossing, I think trying to justify it by likening it to our relationships with other species is ridiculous. Dwarves are humans and therefore and entirely different set of rules of interaction are in place. I believe as long as everyone is willing, and nobody gets hurt, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. And that applies to just about everything.

I have to confirm that "little people" is indeed the accepted, politically correct term in the US. Anything ELSE is offensive. Odd, no?

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 16

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

The dwarfs that get thrown are competitors too, its a team sport, for example a thrower will have a dwarf team mate, or another way to put it is the dwarf has an assistant who he relies upon, to throw him the furthest, so that both can win the competition.

I do think this is just fun for all involves the people getting thrown are willing, they don't tie a guy up and chuck him around... it's done in good taste, and they get paid.

Two dwarfs westle is it wrong ?
Two men westle is it wrong ?
Two women westle is it wrong ?
Two dwarf women westle is it wrong ?
A man westles a women is it wrong ? Hell no its fun !
A little person westles a big person wrong ?

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 17

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

before things start heating up, gents... this discussion is better done below the entry itself. After all, PR is not there to discuss the ethics of what an entry describes.

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 18

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Horses was a strange one to throw in but I do see the point, your trying to show that other "accepted" events occur which are degrading for those involved. For example a wet tee shirt competition. throwing custard pies at someone in stocks or strip clubs, the chip'en'dales or even dwarfs at the circus which is not considered degrading even though they are dressed up and paraded, in fact many dwarfs go here to get away from normally ridiculed positions that society deem fit for them, acting.... actually is a dwarf who height is exploited in a movie considered immoral ?

And riddle me this folks....

If a dwarf was being thrown for charity purposes, would it then be immoral, would it still be degrading ?

This is great I've stirred up a huge debate and its only my first entry, can't wait for the next one...

all the best smiley - cheers

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 19

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Oh right, sorry Sir, I'll need to claim ignorance on that one I never knew... all the best all the time smiley - smiley

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 20


Dwarves are the short guys who look out of proportion. Midgets are the little guys who don't.

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