A Conversation for Dwarf Throwing

Writing Workshop: A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 1

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Entry: Dwarf Throwing - A711370
Author: Researcher 191246 - U191246

Hi, new to this, so I need someone to comment on my entry... please

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

this is great!

if you cant get it into the guide then do consider the guys at AGG
who you will find a link to on the front page of the post each week. they are always on the lookout for something a little unusual, i think this totally qualifies!


A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 3

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Thank for reading my entry FABT, you thinks it's ready for putting forward to the guide ?

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 4

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

ok, put everything you can think of, i.e. dwarf, pup, alcohol, etc through the search engines and link to everythung you possibly can.

try to add sub header.

make sure you have a beginning middle and end you like

then submit it

peer review will soon tell you where it's wandering a bit. if they dont like it then dont give up because there is definately a place for this on h2g2. you have done really well in the wording of the politically correct stuff and got away with things that could have been really offensive.

keep at it.


A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 5

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Had a good smiley - laugh!

Ok, you *could* add GuideML & stuff if you can be bothered. But my only question is: is this *real*? I mean, apparently I'm not too familiar with foreign customs and this could well be tongue-in-cheek all the way through. If it's a real thing then it's definitely Guide-worthy stuff! smiley - ok

* mutters... dwarf throwing - what an idea! smiley - laugh *

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 6

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Believe it or not this is REAL !!!!!!! It might not be classed as a sport, more of a past time, but it's real, people really throw midgets around for fun, and it's all over the world, not just in smaller countries. There's a big stink over it being degrading and all the rest of it, I should include that... thanx guys, I mean it... smiley - smiley

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 7

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

I lost the info there but its back duhhhh !!!!

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

This is a wonderful entry. But people are not going to believe that it is genuine. Even if you can provide a link to a place on the internet, it will have to be a very respectable site (such as one by a reputable newspaper (is there such a thing?) or the BBC) before people believe it. If people don't believe it is genuine, it won't be considered suitable for Peer Review.

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 9

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

well done eyeball, glad to see I'm not the only person who liked this.


A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 10

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Gnomon, I haven't heard of a requirement to provide hard evidence (e.g. smashed dwarfs) for an entry that only shows how, er... versatile people's habits can be smiley - winkeye

eyeball, IMHO you shouldn't lose more time in the Workshop. Go to Peer Review. And decide by yourself whether you put in GuideML or not.


A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 11

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Everyone in here is dead nice , so yous are !!

Here's a link to prove its really real, I'll put it in the entry anyway... along with advice on searching for it online


but I have a few questions...

1. how do I put an entry which is currently in the workshop forward for peer review, I've looked everywhere and tried everything but all I've managed is to unsubcribe from conversations ?


2. Can I activate the link so that if people click on it they will navigate to the site ? Actually I'll look this one up, but if you have advice I'd love to hear it

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 12

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Ok, here you are:

1. Go to the Workshop thread listing <./>RF2</.> . Scroll down until you find the thread. There is a 'remove' link next to it. Click it and this here thread will be moved back to the entry, with its subject line amended to read 'Writing Workshop: Axxxxx'. Now open the entry itself and note that the 'currently in: Workshop' line has gone and has been replaced with a selection bar where you can send it to Peer Review.

2. Active links require GuideML... smiley - winkeye
The syntax is:

Note that the *full* URL is required, ie: including 'http'

BTW, links to h2g2 entries are done like this:

3. From that link you gave above, you could include a statement into the entry, saying that it *is* a legal thing in some of the states of the USA

smiley - cheers

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 13

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Thanks for the URL advice, I've taken it aboard and have updated my entry.

SO folks, please give it one last read, one last going over, and if yous are all happy I'm going for Peer Review...

P.S. Many thanks

A711370 - Dwarf Throwing

Post 14

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

heeeeyyyy! Full GuideML with bullet lists and all smiley - biggrin

just a hint: ... and ... are the usual tags to make headers, and IMHO they are easier to handle than tags which I usually forget to close smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers

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