A Conversation for Dwarf Throwing

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Post 1


smiley - laugh This is a well-written entry on a rather quirky topic. Are there any links available for more information on the stars of the sport? Perhaps any articles on the pros and cons of PC debate?

smiley - smiley

Towards the end.

Post 2

A huge all seeing pulsating eye

smiley - cheers

There are links towards the bottom of the entry which should show you two of the stars, Lenny the Giant from Britian and the Wee Robbie from Ozzyland.

I wouldn't like to add the pros and cons for the Political Correctness argument, its a tricky line to walk and you would need to be unbiased which to tell the truth I don't think I can, but I do understand why it might be included... I'll leave it open to the reader

smiley - zen

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