A Conversation for Gyre And Gimble / Come and Contribute


Post 1


I'd like to submit an entry to AGG/GAG/CAC and claim my fifteen minutes of fame...

Here is the A number reference: A3443870

Thank you!


Post 2


Interesting read. I like that you connect time manipulation with the lottery.

I also noticed that you had submitted this entry to Peer Review. You may want to fix that before they mob you with angry replies saying that it's not fit for the Edited Guide and such. Just go to the Peer Review forum and click on the 'x' next to your entry to remove it. You can then submit it to the Alternative Writing Workshop (usually refered to as the AWW for short) where it will be well recieved, or at least it will be recieved.

smiley - aliensmile


Post 3


Thanks for that! I've deleted it from the Peer Review.


Post 4

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ..you connect time manipulation with the lottery. <<

Chance would be a fine thing.
smiley - bigeyes
Or are we suggesting that chance is a wrinkle in time, a bottleneck of currency, a collection of non-fluidic energies that can be channeled, funneled or coralled?

Hmmm.. perhaps I should read it before commenting further.

smiley - winkeye


Post 5

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> A3443870 <<

A very good tribute to the style and manner of humour and irony inspired by the h2g2 founder, Douglas Adams. Well done!
smiley - cheers


Post 6


Thank you very much!


Post 7

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Your entry is now featured in this week's issue of the CAC-Continuum.


smiley - cheers

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