A Conversation for Drag Queens

Peer Review: A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 1

Researcher jaw25yo

Entry: Drag Queens - A699960
Author: Researcher jaw25yo - U190154

I have written this entry as there seems to be no related topic as yet.

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 2

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hello jaw25yo

This has promise smiley - smiley. Could you add a little at the start of the article to explain what a drag queen is? This is a global site and I'm not sure that the term will be universally understood.

Amy the Ant

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 3

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

oooo nice one. and yes, i do believe this is a neglected subject in the guide.

i'd like to see a section on where drag queens get their costumes, make up etc. i guess a lot of it can be bought as normal now but there must still be some difficulaties buying underwear etc unless you live somewhere with a particualrly liberated marks and sparks.

do you have to have a like a license or something to be a drag queen or is that only if you get paid to perform, or is it only if it is your only source of income? what is the law on this point. is it like a busker need a licence or something?

totally ignorant


A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 4

Researcher jaw25yo

Even though I only put this entry a few hours ago, i will definatly add much more to the oringal entry, meanwhile I need to polish me stillies and comb those lovely wigs

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - laugh

When you re-do your entry, could you write it in the third person, as first-person entries are not allowed in the Guide.

"This researcher is a Drag Queen" as opposed to "I am a Drag Queen"

If you read the http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/Writing-Guidelines there are other helpful hints and tips.smiley - smiley

The entry needs some tidying up, but it's a good start and I enjoyed reading it.
I'll be back to read your final entry.
Well done!

smiley - biggrin

smiley - ermWhat led you to this particular job? Or is it a calling, a vocation? And I really wish you'd mention the best-looking man-dressed-as-a-woman ever, Patrick Swayze, in "To Wong Foo, from Julie Newmar" {I think that was the title} but then Guy Smith (from Neighbours) made a passable woman too!smiley - biggrin

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 6

Researcher jaw25yo

I in face in a duo, i was aked and i said yes,
and yeah, the money is good!

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 7

Researcher jaw25yo

As you can see, i've updated my entry and also went into a crsh course on guideml, i would welcome any more suggestions from prople as I think that this entry does have a lot of promise

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 8


This is a really good entry, you just need to work on the spelling and guide ML. As for drag bars the one in Blackpool in called Funny Girls and the standard of the acts is very high, but it's usually full of stag and hen nights.

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 9

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

getting better,

here's a tip: read it out load to your self into a tape recorder. read what is there not what you *think* you typed, there are several places where you have missed out words so be looking for them. theres one in the bit on transexuals for example. also the are bits where your grammar gets mixed up, probably where you have stuck two points together when editing, it's something i do all the time.

this is even better than it was earlier.....

only niggle, i still want to know if you have to have a performing licence like do you have to be in a union or could someone randomly decide to be a drag queen get a gig and go for it,.?

i'm not asking for me by the way smiley - tongueout


A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I remember the Drag Queen act in "The Money Pit" starring Tom Hanks as a lawyer. They wanted to call themselves "Meryl Streep" and Hanks said they would get a gigantic lawsuit.

smiley - laugh

smiley - run

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 11

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Very nice, but just to pick a few nits...

* Under 'Drag Shows' you wrote 'feminme' smiley - sillysmiley - winkeye
* The last section is a bit odd. The capitalization is off in a few places, the header should probably be in the body (just a matter of style), and the content isn't really in steps. Also, there is a good way to make sub-lists, though I don't know it off the top of my head.
* Make sure to put your text in 's
* I'd put the list 's inside the 's. Just convention.
* It's also convention to use all uppercase in tag and attribute names, but this is not very inportant at all. Just felt like making another point. Sorry. smiley - blush

-Spike A. smiley - wow

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 12

Zarquon's Singing Fish!


Neat entry.smiley - ok

You will need to spell check it as there are a few typos (a sub editor will do it, but it makes life easier if it's already done) and still a bit of first person, eg 'believe me'.

Also this bit 'If you appear on stage in a theatre, normal copyright rules apply, same if you appear on stage' looks as though you meant to add something and forgot to!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 13

Researcher jaw25yo

I have spent time looking at the entry and have taken all pointers on.

I haven't read it out aloud yet as i haven't had the time,

any mre suggestions, Tell Me!

thanx 2 u all for taking time to read my entry

smiley - smiley Anthony

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 14

Researcher jaw25yo

when i said on stage, i meant television!! oh well, we all make mistakes!

smiley - smiley)

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 15


glad to see that there is an entry on this subject in the process, i will be back laterto read it in fullsmiley - run

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 16

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Congratulations on a fine entry Researcher jaw25yo. I enjoyed reading it and I think a lot of others will as well. It's now been recommended and is on its way to a sub-editor to be worked on before making its appearance on the front page!

smiley - bubbly is in order, I think!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 17

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Many congrats for a well deserved recommendation!

-Spike A. smiley - bubbly

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 18

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Yay! smiley - bubbly

A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 19

Researcher jaw25yo



A699960 - Drag Queens

Post 20

Researcher jaw25yo

Gin and tonics all round then?

smiley - cheers

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