A Conversation for VIPER: A Free-Roam RPG

Balcony B-15

Post 1

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Gunfire echoes up from below. A second later, a Breeching Charge blows out the wall section, and JACKAL troops pour in. A large, muscular figure strides through the breech.*
[Raven] Hmm... This will be interesting. Minions, go forth and reap death. I will deal with those of the Gift...

Balcony B-15

Post 2


< ryu enters with a dark look in his eye > " you arn't going anywhere without getting past me " the room goes black and his eyes going into the back of his head then AGNI the dragon is revealed he pounces upon the figure

Balcony B-15

Post 3

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Raven] Ha! Child...
*Agni stumbles, feelings of confusion clouding his mind. He reels as Raven dives deep into his conciousness, slowly turning him to his own use. Ryu realises that Raven is turning his power against him. Agni vanishes, and Ryu returns.*
[Raven] False move, child. My power over beasts is unparalelled. No creature can resist me...
*At once, three massive wolves leap through the breach. They look at Ryu, teeth bared, snarling.*
[Raven] Kill the child. I have an old friend to meet...

Balcony B-15

Post 4


Ryu stares at the razor sharp teeth . He leaps into the air and gets cut off in the room , suddenly he remembers the mp5 hidden behind his back , he pulls it out , levels it and says
" bring it on " He starts to shoot and the wolfes drop one by one
< Ryu runs out of the room >

Balcony B-15

Post 5

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*More enemies leap into the fray. Cultists, their humanity sacrificed in honour of the Chaos gods, charge at Ryu. They are poorly trained, but in numbers could prove a threat. They charge.
Suddenly, a burst of high calibre fire pummels the attackers. Ryu dives to the floor, and looks up to see Pestilence providing cover fire. The weapon is a 50 Cal, chain-fed autocannon. Originally pintle-mounted on a Salamander Scout tank. Bits of the pintle are still attached...*
[Pestilence] Kid! We need ta' seal this gap! Get the Nano-Droids! They where in the armoury, but Fes' an' Kron shifted 'em! Find 'em for me will ya!?
*He looses another heavy volley, killing half a dosen.*
[Pestilence] GO! An' get me some ammo if ya' can! Dunno' where that is, though...

Balcony B-15

Post 6


Ryu heads down the corridor looking for kran " KRAN KRAN " stops only to pick up the ammo

Balcony B-15

Post 7

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Do you mean "Kron", who's one of my characters, or "Kran", the new guy?

Balcony B-15

Post 8

Kran The Ugly

*dives in crouching down and shooting anything that doent look friendly*

god, theres hundreds of them!

Balcony B-15

Post 9

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Pestilence] Running low! Need ammo! Fast!

Balcony B-15

Post 10

Kran The Ugly

*starts picking off the few enemy he can*


Balcony B-15

Post 11

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*The cannon roars. Three Sek'Yin and a Sek'Yang are blown apart. The other two survived, because at that moment, the cannon clacked dry.*
[Pestilence] Damn! RYU!!! AMMO!!!! NOW!!!!!
*One of the Sek'Yang leaps at Pestilence, and has his face crushed by a powerful punch. The other is clubbed off the balcony when the autocannon barrel connects with his skull.*
[Pestilence] Hey Kid! I dunno' who you are, but if yer gonna' help, then I need Nano-Droids ta' seal that breach! They're kept with the armoury. At least they were... 'sept they've been shifted ta' the Chapel. Kron's guardin' 'em. Gettem' quick!
*A grey-robed Cultist tries to shoot Pestilence, but he ducks and scoops up a broken comm-disk. He throws it back with enough force to crack the man's head open like an egg.*
[Pestilence] An' some ammo, if yer' can...

Balcony B-15

Post 12

Kran The Ugly

*still ducking and shooting wildly*

Yes Sir! Right now Sir!!

*runs as fast as he can to the Chapel*

Balcony B-15

Post 13

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Pestilence] An' hurry back!

Balcony B-15

Post 14

Kran The Ugly

*runs back in bent over with drones and more ammo*

Sir! *hands drones and ammo to Pestilence* Im back, its all here, or should be.

*spins round and shoots a cultist point-blank in the face*

Balcony B-15

Post 15

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Pestilence] Sweet! Nice one, kid. Now... STAND BACK!!
*Pestilence opens up again. The shots slam right through the Cultists, turning them to little more than bloody pulps of flesh. Meanwhile, the Nano-Drones get to work. Within minutes, the breach is sealed. Balcony B-15 is secure.*
[Pestilence] Alright! Nice one! Now, let's put the rest o' this here ammo ta' good use, eh?
*He guestures to the coiles of bullets now wrapped around his massive frame.*
[Pestilence] Where to, pal?

Balcony B-15

Post 16

Kran The Ugly

It was pretty hairy down in the hanger when i was down there, i was with fester, but i dont know where he is now...........

Balcony B-15

Post 17

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Pestilence] Fes's in trouble!? Then why're we still standin' here!? Let's move!
*Pestilence sprints away for the Hanger.*

Balcony B-15

Post 18

Kran The Ugly

*runs after Pestilance*

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