This is the Message Centre for Beatrice

Dem Bea's 14.11

Post 1


I'm a member of a dancing display team, and we get lots of requests to do demonstrations (dems) for nursing homes. smiley - nurse

It was the first one of this season today. They are popular in the run up to Christmas, when we sometimes adorn our outfits with tinsel and reindeer antlers.smiley - reindeer This afternoon I made a few small mistakes, but nothing too obvious - the trick is to keep smiling and don't let on!

Our teacher always gets me to do a twirl and to say a few words about my Titanic tartan sash.

The programme today was:

Homecoming - we always start with this one.
Scott Meikle - a fairly new dance, written by musician George Meikle, who I've met.
Bonnie Tree - a slower Strathspey
Reel of the 51st Division - a very popular dance devised by soldiers in WW2, and originally thought to be a coded message smiley - smiley
Culla Bay - a strathspey done in a square set
75 years on - this starts with the 3rd and 4th couples crossing over so that they are on the opposite sides.
The Irish Rover - we always finish with this one, and the music we use is a medley of well known tunes like Long Way to Piccadilly, and Pack Up Your Troubles, which always goes down well with the audience.smiley - goodluck

Dem Bea's 14.11

Post 2

Icy North

Is a Strathspey a dance, then? Or were you opening a bottle of single malt during those phases?

Dem Bea's 14.11

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Even I know what a strathspey is:

Dem Bea's 14.11

Post 4

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

Dem Bea's 14.11

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"the music we use is a medley of well known tunes like Long Way to Piccadilly, and Pack Up Your Troubles, which always goes down well with the audience" [Beatrice]

I love those tunes too. smiley - ok

As I write this, I'm listening to Julie Andrews in the soundtrack for "Thoroughly Modern Milly," but I know that Julie sang the Piccadilly and kit bag songs in her WWI movie "Darling Lili."

Is Lily Marlaine [sp?] ever used for your dances?

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