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Wear was I? Bea's NaNoJoMo

Post 221


To be fair, that wasn't a criticism of the book. It's intentional that it's...well, Dale-Carnegie-with-references-to-spaceships.

Wear was I? Bea's NaNoJoMo

Post 222

You can call me TC

Hmm. Thanks for the input. I might still just buy it for the sake of the cover. But said son is an example to the rest of us with regard to stick-to-it-ness. He's not celebrating his birthday (which is today) as he has his MSc exam next week. Which, in Germany, is quite an achievement. Der Herr Doktor: Dr.-Ing. Big event. Big exam. He will also be spurred on by the thought that he will soon have a family to care for.

Sorry Bea. Nothing to do with clothes.

Wear was I? Bea's NaNoJoMo

Post 223


Another perfect Tshirt occasion!

Hands up who hasn't been aware of the Reduced Shakespeare Company/ Bible/ DUP councillors row? I'll link to my blog if you need a briefing...

Anyhoo. There was this play wot was banned and then unbanned, and the comments on Twitter had used the hashtag #ThouShaltNotLaugh.

We attended the opening night. I have an ancient black T shirt with velcro letters so that you can spell out various messages (it's so old, I have a photo of me wearing it on my 40th birthday, when the message reads "I've nothing to wear!")

So I wanted to put the hashtag on it. Now, with limited letters you have to be somewhat creative, but I achieved it by adding some tippex to an an upside down ! to make a letter T, using an asterisk instead of hash, and spelling it "larf".

I got a number of compliments, and knowing winks, at the show.

Wear was I? Bea's NaNoJoMo

Post 224


I still think the DUP councillors took a bung from the show's producers. It must be the only time in history hordes of people have trekked out to Newtownabbey voluntarily. It reminds me of the scam in "The Producers". smiley - laugh

Ohhhhh can I ask you since it's a clothes thread - know anywhere good for trainers in the centre of town? I'm finding it puzzlingly hard to find anything useful. smiley - huh

Wear was I? Bea's NaNoJoMo

Post 225

You can call me TC

No idea - how would I? - about the row. Although I have heard of the Reduced Shakespeare company. Or something similar (Aren't they called the natural theatre of Bath or something).

So - would appreciate the lowdown.

Wear was I? Bea's NaNoJoMo

Post 226


Apologies for the upside down photos, I'll be trying to correct those later.

And yes, this gets filed under the ever-expanding section of Norn Irn history entitled "You couldn't make it up".

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