This is the Message Centre for Beatrice

I forgot to eat!

Post 1


Slightly hungover today, largely because I was having so much fun yesterday that I forgot to eat!

I went to the chilifest downtown, where one of my friends was manning a comic book stand, and I got to see Colin Bateman launch his new book, Dr Yes, and I even got to ask him a question! (I asked how long it took him to write a book. He says he writes a chapter a day.) Looking forward to seeing his play National Anthem at the Belfast festival next month. During his preamble about the play, he said it was using the Norn Irn vernacular, and our way of adding extra words to sentences. F'rinstance, if Neil Armstrong had been from Belfast, he'd have said "That's one small step for man, like, and one giant leap for mankind, so it is."

I meant to get some chilli, but bumped into another friend smiley - blush and got distracted! Then I'd arranged to meet Demon Drawer, and we just fell into Malmaison and sunk into their lovely big comfy seats and drank some of their lovely cocktails.

Came home, fed Max, changed ready for a nephew's 18th birthday party (I gave him a book of advice from Ozzy), dragged DD along....we must've come home at some stage but my memory's a bit hazy. I should have eaten something.

I forgot to eat!

Post 2

Rev Nick

I got pork chops, or is that a bit much?

I forgot to eat!

Post 3

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

1. pork chops = ok and ummm

2. I would have asked him "if he oil'ed his hard drive"

RJR being happysmiley - smiley

I forgot to eat!

Post 4


Marmite on toast to start you off easy. smiley - ok

I forgot to eat!

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Don't worry, I've just eaten for two. smiley - ok

I forgot to eat!

Post 6

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

my mate she just eaten for three.....................oooops smiley - smiley

I forgot to eat!

Post 7

You can call me TC

I was wondering if you weren't in Hillsborough park. I watched the last night of the Proms and it seemed as if the whole of Northern Ireland had turned out!

I forgot to eat!

Post 8

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...

Trillian, it probably did! I watched it and oh my Lord, it's wonderful. I want to go to the Proms next year, but the question is now do you go to Hillsborough [where it will undoubtedly be craic from start to finish] or London [where it'll probably be likewise and you have seats]?!

Decisions, decisions. I watched it on TV and it looked awesome. Bea, eat somethin'. RE Neil Armstrong: *cackles* That would've been brilliant! If only I could write a chapter a day...

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