This is the Message Centre for Fenchurch M. Mercury

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 101


*sings quietly with a bowl of tequila fruits*
oh, frank gobstoppers pedometer bonhomie wrinkle chenille

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 102


fragile gansters pedal boney riders chilins

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 103

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

did someone say frink gobstoppers?

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 104


no, that was frank gobstoppers
and frink gobblers smiley - winkeye

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 105


think ghostbusters and flat goobers


Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 106


ghostbusters and goobers you say??? are you sure it wasn't supposed to be peanutbusters and googooclusters??? smiley - winkeye

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 107


Blast! I've been out done! Hmm, I thought you were a California variety Fenchurch. GooGoo was not widely known outside the deep south (USA). Or perhaps I'm just a fossil?

RSBohn/U37566 (Get down, Buster, on your GooGoo Cluster!)

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 108


Dang, I can't seem to remember who I'm talking to. Sorry, Monsy.

RSBohn/U37566 (Seem to have stepped in something. Oh, it's just my mouth.)

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 109


that is ok RSBohn i do not mind smiley - smiley now if it were mistaking me for someone like YK-47 that would be a horse of a completly different color! smiley - winkeye
here, let me help you to remove your foot from your mouth so you can enjoy this lovely basket prepared just for you smiley - smiley
giant frogs dance the macarana in tutu's
monsy smiley - fish

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 110

Fenchurch M. Mercury

I am of the Cali' variety, where the Asylum is, remember- I meant goo goo like the baby dolls.... what googoo were you speaking of? smiley - smiley

why ant rugs dunkin mackeral into twos

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 111

msmonsy will have to forgive RsBohn for he seemed to be overtaken with the confusion bug smiley - winkeye
where animals reggae devinely moulding tennis balls

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 112


Confusion bug? That's what I've got...smiley - bigeyes
avalanches disturb sleepy trees in absentia

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 113


oops!!!....this could get a big hairy smiley - winkeye
avacadoes distribute slimey tasting appitizers

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