This is the Message Centre for Fenchurch M. Mercury

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 21


Well, well, well.... what's all this then?????? i better starve the me pet dragon for a bit.... that'll keep ya away from me forums....
Well done monshari, i knew i could count on you! smiley - smiley
Shame on the rest of you... my back was only turned for a few hours, and your already planning to takeover my page.... smiley - sadface

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 22

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

so i should give up on plans to start PPWAAWAPSOTP?

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 23

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Am I just paranoid, or don't you trust me Monshari? And to ask me to walk the straight and narrow is a bit hard if you ask me, if you know what I mean.

I don't need this, I thought both you and Fenchurch were friends, but I don't get me to choose though.

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 24


give up the plans to start the protest....or maybe just change it a bit to a protest of him leaving us for so long a period of time smiley - smiley
as for not trusting you.....lets just say the jury is still out...but please do stick around...wouldn't want to miss anything good now would you?????
why yes Fenchurch MadMunk and I are friends but we do have friendly little spats every now and again.....they are all in fun though so no worries smiley - smiley

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 25


Yes, frink, give up now. smiley - winkeye

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 26

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Oops, wrong forum....

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 27

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Since I hate the sight of blood, I think I will leave the expanisonist plans to people like Fenchurch (it's in her blood).

And shame on you for still having the jury out about what you think of me. Ah well, I am sure I could find some way to get at you. Maybe Fenchurch can help. smiley - smiley

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 28

Fenchurch M. Mercury

*Fenchurch walks in with a hurt face*

What are you doing, Monshari, picking on my friend like that? You don't trust me? I thought that the Great Madmunk would be GLAD to have some of my rather stimulating conversation keeping the page visited while he was gone.

And you, Madmunk, actually prepare your dragon to attack little ME?! I thought your dragon loved me... to think, all those times we had together, laughing and playing and me bringing him treats... but then again, what would you expect from a Welsh? smiley - winkeye

I think... that I'm just going to sit over here in the corner and sob quietly to myself.

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 29

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

*goes over and sits with Fenchurch*

You don't need them, you have me to keep you company. Maybe we set up the Garibaldi and Fenchurch Society (GAFS), not the other way around as that may bring bad popularity to some people. smiley - smiley

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 30

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Thank you, Garibaldi. I don't know what I'd do without you. I think I'll go set up a GAFS forum right now, as I can see I'm not wanted in this one.

And to all the meanies who don't like me - notice I ^still^ have not revoked any fish. That's because ^I^ am a person of ^honour^.

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 31

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I'm glad I stayed out of this one....I did, didn't I? Do I have to change my name to Garibaldi or Fenchurch to join this new group?

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 32

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Aw, Frink, you'll always be my friend...Change your name?!?! Of course not, I love your name, besides, everyone can join, just see my journal entry.

*Turns her back to meanieheads*

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 33


I so sorry (grovel, grovel) if (grovel) said anything to cause you hurt (grovel) please (grovel) forgive. will some chocolate make it all better?????

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 34


it is not that i don't like you guys(girls) is just my job to protect MadMunks page while he is away and with us just recently having someone try to steal his crown from him over in his worship forum you can see where i may be a little cautious and all now can't you.......i did not mean to hurt your feelings i really didn't i just wanted to make sure you all were not going to try to do anything that would be bad for MadMunk or cause harm to come to his page while he is away, as i am in charge of keeping it safe and it would not look good if something happened on my watch......please understand i really do like you and i was only doing my job......i am sorry if i missunderstood your intentions but please understand that one can never be too careful these days.........if i allowed anyone to do anything dasterdly to his page while he was away then i would never be able to show my face in public again.......think of it this way......if any of you ever go on vacation or anything wouldn't you want to make sure your page was well protected by someone who would stop at nothing to keep harm from coming to is a dirty job but someone has to do it......i just hope you understand where i am with this and know that it is nothing against you all personally, i am just doing my job......please, do not be mad at me.....i am only trying to do my best when it comes to my job.......please............

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 35


Egad! Wheels within wheels and all that!

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 36

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Well....okay. I'm sorry I turned my back to you. I understand the Great Madmunk's Godliness and how important it is to maintain the page. However, going as far as to attack Garibaldi, who didn't even plot with the rest of us and only jumped to my defense, was a bit much. But now I understand your motives. I never want us to fight again.... *hugs all, with tears in her eyes*

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 37


OH THANK-YOU!!!!!....THANK-YOU!!!!!.......*returns hug and breaks into tears of joy*..........I don't ever want to fight again smiley - smiley....I am sorry Garibaldi, i did not mean to hurt your feelings....i just seem to be a little cautious when it comes to doing my understand don't you???...please say you understand.....
monsy smiley - fish

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 38

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Monsy, you are certainly an honourable pagekeeper. If I'm ever to leave without a computer (I'd die), you'd certainly be the first to take care of my page, though I've no plants or animals... you'd just have to feed the fishes and trim my beard. smiley - smiley

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 39


Did my groveling meet your approval, or was it not even necessary?

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 40

Fenchurch M. Mercury

It was good grovelling, but it wasn't necesary. There are too many flowers and other such sweet things on your page. To get mad at the owner of that would...just be wrong.

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