This is the Message Centre for Fenchurch M. Mercury

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 81


As this will be my last post for awhile i better make it a good one. Monsy you are the sole keeper of my page. I got a new pet chameleon, but it is very nice and its name is Bob. All others feel free to come, visit, and smell the flowers while i am gone. The day after i get back school starts, poor me. Now lets get down to business.

Over all devil's bubbles asisting bitten asses

So long farwell alviders say good bye, i flit i float.... (you get the idea)

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 82


Kat....I will watch over your flowers and chameleon Bob while you are away, have no worries for they will be safe with me smiley - smiley....have a good last hurrah before school starts again smiley - smiley.....
now on with the nonsense....
Under no diplomia burrito assembly binochulars assemble

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 83


Examine dogmatic bistro as it may become unstable.

Hmm, perhaps I should take another vacation.

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 84

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Well, RSBohn, at least this time tell us and don't simply drop off the face of the earth, eh? smiley - winkeye

Ecstatic doormat is busy as my be constable.

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 85


Have fun, RSBohn.
Batting eclipses frustrate isometric policemen

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 86


Let me know if you need a pagesitter while you are away....i have references smiley - smiley
Bachelor elopes fuming intoxicated pediatrician

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 87


Patchy lore hopes zooming fluxus postman

I'm just kidding. No vacation plans at the moment. I just feel left out. That's all.


Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 88


Left out? How can anyone leave you out?smiley - sadface What can we do to cheer you up?smiley - smiley
calipers exercise obstacles in galoshes

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 89


How 'bout a ticket to Barcelona?

copper exorcist operates on glue

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 90


would one of my fab. baskets make you feel better? smiley - winkeye
congenial examiner oggles one guru

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 91


contraband samari oinks angrily

Basket, what basket?

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 92


contraceptive sale overtakes alabaster
. haven't heard of my famous baskets yet????....they are filled with the most fabulous goodies imaginable smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 93


corporate bunglers adjunct billious navel

Hmm, could you make one with a good olive oil, flaked sea salt, flour, yeast, sun dried tomatoes, real mozzarella (from buffalo milk) and some fresh basil? I could make a fine pizza!

RSBohn/U37566 (Where did I leave my pizza stone?)

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 94

Fenchurch M. Mercury

corporal bun gigglers add junction billion evil

You just have to have one of her basket presents!! *I* just have to have...well, another one of her baskets smiley - winkeye

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 95


What's with these baskets? Can I have an example, monsy?
quadripeds pollute stressed gum trees

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 96


Baskets!!!!!.....for everyone!!!!.....they are filled to the brim with lovely vodka filled chocolate fishies, tons of my famous fruit that leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy all over and to wash it down a vintage bottle of VODKA!!!!..........i noticed a request for one dealing with pizza up there...i will attempted to get it right but you will have to pardon me if it has a hint of hops and barley to it, i find i cannot make anything that does not leave you warm and fuzzy smiley - winkeye......
monsy smiley - fish

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 97


Let me guess - fruits pickled in vodka? Pickle them in tequila and you will never see day again...sounds good, eh? smiley - winkeye I wouldn't mind one with Turkish Delight and peppermint frogs drowned in gin, witha splash of lemon perhaps? And that's just an appetizer of my taste...smiley - bigeyes

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 98


you have made a good guess there smiley - smiley... i think i can handle a basket for your specific tastes smiley - try this one, i hope you like it, i also added another item that you have not mentioned just to see if you like it smiley - winkeye, chocolate covered gin filled frogs with a little snip of vanilla flower on top and a cherry for a hat smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 99


GORGEOUS!!! These baskets really are something else! The fruits...the frogs...the gin... May I recommend monsy's baskets to EVERYONE!! Made to order plus more! smiley - smiley Order now, right monsy? smiley - winkeye

Fenchurch and the missing link

Post 100


most definitely!!!! ...i aim to please smiley - bigeyes......
monsy smiley - fish

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