This is the Message Centre for Milliway

Milliway (the restaurant owner)

Post 1


Hi all! My name is Milliway- the one and only owner of the restaurant at the end of the universe..... I, unfortunately am a new member to h2g2 and would like any help anyone has to offer..... I'll even pay (leaves are my official currency)- Or if you prefer- A Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster?

Milliway (the restaurant owner)

Post 2


i'll take the blaster
what do you need help on, GuideML, what to do?
you name it
i am not an ace or a guru, but i know a bit and am very willing to help you on whatever you need

Milliway (the restaurant owner)

Post 3

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

Hey Milliway...

Welcome to H2G2. I'm a GURU/ACE of vast experience (I am addicted to H2G2) so you'll want a nice introduction to how things work round here...

The first thing you'll want to do is write and introduction on your page. To do this you look at your Personal Space and where it shows your name in the top right hand corner and you will see a button that says edit page. It only has to be a few words, but once you have done it, it enables people to post messages on your page, and alerts other ACES to your Personal Space.

Milliway (the restaurant owner)

Post 4


wow! i did not know that it alerted aces!smiley - cool

Milliway (the restaurant owner)

Post 5

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

Yeah well in pretext. There is a page which shows you all the newest people who have joined up, and if they have written an introduction.

Milliway (the restaurant owner)

Post 6


I didn't even know I could edit my page- thanx a lot. I'll do that right now!

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