A Conversation for Talking Point: What's the Silliest Thing...

Silly? Just plain dumb

Post 1

Brandy Bottle (1+7+8+0!+0!+4! = 42)

One winter (many years ago when I was young & foolish - now I'm old & foolish) I stopped at a gas station to fill up. Afterwards drove a block & car stalled. Called a tow truck then headed off to work while repairs were done. Got a call later in the day - we just pumped 13 gallons of water out of your gas tank.
Apparently the gas station's tank had a leak & melting snow had seeped in - I din't have a receipt so was out of luck & out of pocket. The most expense fill-up I ever had

Something just as silly but far less expensive that caused considerable hilarity among my co-workers: previous user of super glue had not replaced pin in tube. When I tried opening it there was no flow at first & then a super squirt that covered most of my hand - first three fingers glued together & couldn't pull them apart. Took gallons of water & a couple of hours of careful manipulation before I was finally able to separate my digits. Didn't touch crazy glue again for at least 10 years

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