This is the Message Centre for Wargamer (The Wanderer)

The Memo Bin

Post 21

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

Hi Wargamer....just wondered if you could help out - I'm trying to figure out how to make my own smilies...I've checked out the Dragondreamer link, but only the bottom line worked (on my mac?)....

any thoughts...or links

cheers smiley - ok


The Memo Bin

Post 22

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Only the bottom line worked? Do you mean you could only edit the bottom line of the grid, or only copy the bottom line of the code?

The Memo Bin

Post 23

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

i could only edit the bottom line of the grid....

The Memo Bin

Post 24

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Weird... Well, I didn't make the program, so I'm afraid I don't know.

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