A Conversation for Test for...weirdness?
Er, a black entrenching tool?
Milliway Started conversation Jan 29, 2002
Um, I know it's strange, but I thought of a black entrenching tool... You know, the type the U.S. Army uses today. (also known as an E-Tool)- weird huh?
Er, a black entrenching tool?
Go-Go Girl Posted Jan 29, 2002
Er...you are definitely different and
Don't think anyone else has responded with black.
What is an E-tool? Never seen one...
Er, a black entrenching tool?
Milliway Posted Jan 30, 2002
The U.S. Army issues an E-tool to its troops (infantry mainly)
it folds up into a small triangular device for easy transport- when it's unfolded it looks like a small shovel. The blade may be moved to fold into two directions- so can the handle. One side of the blade may be used as a saw, the other can be used as an ax- or a weapon, if need be. It's very strong and reliable too- made of black steel.
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Er, a black entrenching tool?
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