A Conversation for The Freedom From Faith Foundation

Is it just Chritianity?

Post 1

Researcher 203508

Happy to see your community on h2g2, and of course the eastern mystery cult we call Christianity is potentially the most insidious and damaging of them all, but am I free to object to all the other religions too?

Is it just Chritianity?

Post 2


Hello. smiley - smiley

At the Freedom From Faith Foundation, you're free to object to any and/or every religion. Mostly, we're a discussion forum for those who don't wish to feel constrained from discussing... well, freely, about religion, morality, etc.

Got any particular bones to pick with organized worship?

smiley - bigeyes

Is it just Chritianity?

Post 3

Gone again

And what about all those damned hippies, with all their *dis*organised tree-hugging faiths?

[FX: carefully removes tongue from cheek. smiley - winkeye]


"Who cares, wins"

Is it just Chritianity?

Post 4

Researcher 203508

Well, plenty really, but I suppose concepts like papal infalability, the ability of a religion to be twisted so that you feel fully justified in blowing yourself and a whole bus load of people up, the use of the phrase 'God bless America' just before bombing the hell out small Caribbean islands, those sorts of things really.

But thanks for your reply, will read with interest knowing that I am in the company of generalist atheists,


Is it just Chritianity?

Post 5

Gone again


smiley - oksmiley - laugh


I think there may be more than just religion involved here. Like maybe being invaded and occupied for thirty years? smiley - winkeye

<<...I am in the company of generalist atheists>>

Reckless assumption!!! smiley - winkeye

Pattern-chaser (pantheist)

"Who cares, wins"

Is it just Chritianity?

Post 6

Researcher 203508

Sure, on the palestinian situation I partly agree and am extremely sympathetic to their cause, but very little terrorism involves killing yourself, I think we can safely assume that religious fundamentalism has a little to do with this (???)

And can't see any danger in making the assumption that there are generalist atheists subscribing to this, certainly don't feel like I am in danger, I might be wrong of course, but then we are all often wrong a lot of the time. I don't even know if you exist for instance, but will work on the assumption that you do as life tends to be easier that way.

Is it just Chritianity?

Post 7


I, too, find life easier when I assume that I exist.

smiley - winkeye

Is it just Christianity?

Post 8

Gone again

Yes, I tend to assume I exist, as it helps to avoid internal debate as to whether I should be participating in a potentially non-existent forum: the FFFF. Is the FFFF a self-sustaining figment of Colonel Sellers' imagination, or are we more real than that? smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"

Is it just Christianity?

Post 9

Wejut - Sage of Slightly Odd Occurrences and Owlatron's Australian Thundercat

And what of those of us who don't want to exist but are having trouble convincing ourselves?
smiley - magic

Is it just Christianity?

Post 10

Noggin the Nog

"I am, therefore I are."

There should be a religion with a god who says something like that.

Safely confined to a work of fiction with real world references, of course.


Is it just Christianity?

Post 11

Wejut - Sage of Slightly Odd Occurrences and Owlatron's Australian Thundercat

Actually it should say
"Oh for My sake just get along..."
smiley - magic

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