A Conversation for Talking Point - Gone But Never Forgotten...

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25847166 - Talking Point - Gone but never forgotten...

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Entry: Talking Point - Gone but never forgotten... - A25847166
Author: The h2g2 Editors - U284

If Elvis would have lived he would still be the same kind of Icon he is today because what makes him an icon was his talent and his affect on music and culture not the fact that he died at forty two.

Dying did set the "seal" on Elvis's career as death sets the "seal" on all of our careers.

Who is to say that Elvis "died before his time". I believe it was the Wizard Gandalf who once told Frodo "We cannot choose the time of our birth or our death, all we can do is make the best of the time we are given". Elvis certainly did that.

It is possible to be a legend and live a long, full, life as Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, among others are examples of.

There is no significance to the "27 club". It is a coincidence that Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, and Morrison all died at age twenty seven. They all used dangerous drugs and two, Joplin and Morrison, died shortly after using dangerous drugs. Hendrix died after taking too many sleeping pills, and Cobain was having his own personal struggles when he died. It is just a coincidence that these peoople were the same age when they died.

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25847166 - Talking Point - Gone but never forgotten...

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