A Conversation for Talking Point - Gone But Never Forgotten...

Elvis is Lord

Post 1


If you came right out and said why we worship the King, it woud break the house rules. So I'll talk around it. The first apparition of Elvis happened when I was only three or four years old and still in the uncomprehending stage. I had older sisters who behaved very strangely when they talked about Him. To say Rock and Roll now is OK; it's softened with time, but you can't say what the original phrase meant without again breaking the house rules.

Rock and Roll means feeling unspeakable feelings. Civilization means directing human behaviour.
These don't mix. It was the reaction to Elvis (by the Reactionaries,I mean) that made Him forever great. While no one said anything about rock'nrollers in the ages BE, He was the first to sing it while having lighter pigmentation. The Establishment that had worked so hard to convince the young that Good Girls don't have those feelings and that Good Boys know that they don't, suddenly saw their worst fears personified in Him.

Many worshippers feel about Elvis fate the way that the Shia feel about Ali. A terrible injustice has been done. Not to worry, the Establishment acted way too late, He may have ended but his spirit is still with us. The King Lives.

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Elvis is Lord

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