This is the Message Centre for Jordan

Who scripts these things?

Post 41

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Ah Jordan smiley - sheep.

You seem to forget that I am also Welsh smiley - dragon, and there are others....

Be aware, we hunt you saesnegs in flocks!

Matholwch /|\.

Who scripts these things?

Post 42


I'm Scottish...

I remembered that you're Welsh. It's just impossible to dispel the association from my mind... smiley - erm

- Jordan

Who scripts these things?

Post 43

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i thought a saesneg
was English......
and i can asure you that Jordan and i are NOT English

Who scripts these things?

Post 44


I'm a Celt [also known as a Hobbit smiley - erm]

Who scripts these things?

Post 45

Noggin the Nog

A Celt? In Loughborough? You're lost mate.

smiley - hug Jordan. You didn't think I was offended did you? After all, I'm not actually Welsh, just an immigrant.

Didn't know you were Scottish though. Is there a smiley?

Who scripts these things?

Post 46


smiley - tongueout My mum's from Norfolk, my dad is from B-o-T: both Celt homelands...I was born in Hampshire...

Who scripts these things?

Post 47

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

oh now it makes more sence

Who scripts these things?

Post 48

Noggin the Nog

B-o-T? Whassat?

Norfolk is NOT a "Celtic homeland". Not recently, anyhoo.

My dad came from Hampshire. It was still Wessex then, of course.

I can't see anything making more sense Anthea. What have I missed?

Noggin smiley - sheep

Who scripts these things?

Post 49

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Noggin & Fredsmiley - smiley.

Noggin, I think Fred was being tongue in cheek in referring to the domain of the Iceni as being modern day Norfolk.

Sorry Fred, but most Celts cleared out of Norwich in the 6th century when the Angles arrived. As far as I know they resettled around Ystradgynlais and a small camp outside Swansea. Our National Assembly are presently negotiating with the Home Office to have them repatriated to Cromer and Kings Lynn as they were obviously economic migrants (smuggled in on the underside of carts).

Now I understand that we are also trying to send back the people from Prestatyn and Rhyl to Winchester. In fact anyone who supports Liverpool on the North coast may well qualify for deportation. After all if Michael Owen can claim to be English......smiley - ok.

Matholwch, a son the smiley - sheep /|\.

Who scripts these things?

Post 50

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

sorry if i confused anyone
i am confusing my self as well
i seem to reply to things that dont exist
oh well i need more sleep
............smiley - zzz..............

Who scripts these things?

Post 51


Sorry smiley - flustered

I did mean the Iceni, and yes it was t-i-c

And B-o-T is what is put on envelopes when delivering to Burton-on-Trent...

Who scripts these things?

Post 52

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

its ok........

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