This is the Message Centre for Evil Zombie Strider

will somebody write to me?

Post 21


smiley - tea
Most of my early posts were to the Campsite.

I tried reading Ask H2G2 but, every thread had somebody posting
< towel> in the middle of the conversation...that was really annoying and...smiley - winkeye

will somebody write to me?

Post 22

Evil Zombie Strider

Yeah I smiley - towel understand how something smiley - towel like that could smiley - towel get kind of smiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towel annoying after a smiley - towel.

smiley - towelsmiley - footprints

will somebody write to me?

Post 23


Actually, it was the same somebody(actually two) in every conversation no matter what the topic was. Care to guess who that was?

smiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towel

will somebody write to me?

Post 24

Evil Zombie Strider


smiley - footprints

will somebody write to me?

Post 25


Rat and Theory. Every single conversation I clicked on in the Ask H2G2 list...

will somebody write to me?

Post 26

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - laugh

And Rat was an ACE at the time! Spammer! smiley - laugh

smiley - footprints

will somebody write to me?

Post 27


smiley - laugh

Theory claims to have picked my name out of the online list on his own. He showed up around New Year's to suggest a couple of books and say Hi. I thought he had just lurked through Rat's page.

will somebody write to me?

Post 28

Evil Zombie Strider

hmm... Did I meet you through lurking about Rat, or on the Campsite?

smiley - footprints

will somebody write to me?

Post 29


I think it was the Campsite. I have never posted in Rat's fanclub, and don't recall if you have posted in >>>Click over There>>>.

will somebody write to me?

Post 30

Evil Zombie Strider

I don't think I did. Probably the campsite, then.

smiley - footprints

will somebody write to me?

Post 31


I found the campsite the weekend it opened and I have been there ever since. There are some new campers needing greeting. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel perky enough to bounce around the campsite to meet and greet.
smiley - smiley

will somebody write to me?

Post 32

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - ok

smiley - footprints

will somebody write to me?

Post 33

Calamitea the tea drinking penguin

smiley - tea
*waves from yet another I.D.*
smiley - smiley

will somebody write to me?

Post 34

Evil Zombie Strider

You know it's confusing enough having multiples in one account, but having single personalities (assuming here that you are one. No offense intended if you're not) in multiple accounts... smiley - winkeye

smiley - footprints

will somebody write to me?

Post 35


As far as I know, I am single...

The BBC computer threw that account at me. All I wanted was maverick back. I even tried smiley - grovelthree months later it worked.

will somebody write to me?

Post 36

Maverick {'Doc, I get a stabbing pain in my eye every time I drink tea.' 'Take the spoon out'.}

smiley - tea
Hi Strider,
How is the schoolwork? Not *too* overwhelming I hope. I am probably the last person to ask about study habits...well, maybe not the last, but, certainly not the first. Anxiety about tests(mostly the big midterms and finals) used to keep me awake all night for at least a week.
smiley - smiley

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