This is the Message Centre for Will you be my friend
Jonny Started conversation Nov 11, 2001
It's always fun to see how many words from the Meaning of Liff you can get into a conversation. You're right, it's a great book.
I'm Jonny, one of the ACEs here at h2g2. The ACEs are a volunteer group who go round h2g2 looking for new researchers and greeting them. You can find out more about the ACEs here:
If you have any problems or questions about h2g2, or just want a chat, you can talk to me by clicking reply and I'll see it later. Or alternatively you can visit my space by clicking on my name at the top of this message.
Meanwhile you might like to see the page of links to some of the places of interest at h2g2. I've compiled a list of links here:
Or there's The Post's (our weekly newspaper) page of useful links here:
If you want to know how to do smileys click on this one:
Don't Panic,
i am new to
blackpoolbabe Posted Nov 11, 2001
hi there i am new to so if you can and i can we can all share help becoz i am still not getting to grips with this after several days i think i have been in my previouse site to long and am blinkered to it
Erm... help?
Will you be my friend Posted Nov 12, 2001
Hi Jonny,
Sorry to pester you but I'm not entirely clear about how the sight works...
I have replied to this and another conversation about my new page just by pressing "reply". Is this right?
If so just leave a message saying YES or something similar!
Queen Mab Posted Nov 12, 2001
I'm new as well - but have been reading h2g2 for a little while. Pop by and have a chat!!!
Queen Mab
Will you be my friend Posted Nov 16, 2001
Hallooo back Queen Mab.
Is this how to stage a conversation. The Aces still haven't replied to my queries. I don't really know how the sight works so send me a message back showing how to find you.
Jonny Posted Nov 16, 2001
I'm really sorry WYBMF, I've been quite busy recently.
But yes you're replying correctly I can see the messages.
Jonny (feeling guilty)
pathetical, formerly "madmaz- zaphodista, marshmallow minister, vegetarian and torturer (among other things)..." Posted Nov 17, 2001
You will be able to visit people at their pages by clicking on their names (next to where it says 'posted ** hours ago by...'). So to visit me you'd just, um... click on my long and very silly name, above. Not that you'd want to visit me
, but you get the idea.
Persevere with the site, it gets less confusing .
Hope this helps. Need any more help, just ask. I'm on here most days.
I'll be your friend?!!
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Jonny (Nov 11, 2001)
- 2: blackpoolbabe (Nov 11, 2001)
- 3: Will you be my friend (Nov 12, 2001)
- 4: Queen Mab (Nov 12, 2001)
- 5: Will you be my friend (Nov 16, 2001)
- 6: Jonny (Nov 16, 2001)
- 7: pathetical, formerly "madmaz- zaphodista, marshmallow minister, vegetarian and torturer (among other things)..." (Nov 17, 2001)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."