This is the Message Centre for The Ghost Of TV's Frink


Post 1

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

My first real guide entry is coming on Friday. The long wait is over. Hooray!


Post 2

GNP Aaron

Congratulations, Frink. Gee, I thought we had some wierd TV in Australia, but that pretty much takes the cake. Maybe it'll wend it's weary way over here eventually. Now I know where you get the name from.
Maybe I'll join you in the hallowed ranks of the published one day.... Maybe Train Station Paranoia will get me there. Who can tell, Frink, WHO CAN TELL...


Post 3

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

thanks lance! you have to see mystery science theater to believe it. i will try to get over to your page and read train station paranoia sometime soon.......


Post 4

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

and i forgot - i posted a comment to your "intellectuals" article a few days ago. verry funny!


Post 5

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

Well, we don't see MST3K over here, so I wouldn't know about it, but congratulations. I have high hopes for This Page Intentionally Left Blank smiley - smiley

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