This is the Message Centre for EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

EvilClaw Journal 2

Post 1

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

The actual entry was lost due to a error in assumption. The entry mentioned general plotting and the dog house invasion and also told what my luggage (and airshield) combination was...

EvilClaw Journal 2

Post 2

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

oh yea...well...ASSUME THIS...smiley - erm...not quite sure what though...

If your strong you can fly,
you can reach the otherside
of the rainbow.

It's alright take a chance,
'Cause there is no circumstance
that you can't handle.
If you use your mind.

Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Gotta keep on runnin' faster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Save the planet from disaster

In the dark, To the light
It's a super sonic flight
Gotta keep it goin'

Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Gotta keep on runnin' faster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Save the planet from disaster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Spinnin' through a world in motion

Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Gotta keep on runnin' faster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Save the planet from disaster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Spinnin' through a world in motion
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom

*cool music (no words) continues until fade out about 40 seconds later*

EvilClaw Journal 2

Post 3

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

sorry that would be
If your strong you can fly,
you can reach the otherside
of the rainbow.

It's alright take a chance,
'Cause there is no circumstance
that you can't handle.
If you use your mind.

Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Trouble keeps you runnin' faster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Save the planet from disaster

In the dark, To the light
It's a super sonic flight
Gotta keep it goin'

Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Trouble keeps you runnin' faster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Save the planet from disaster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Spinnin' through a world in motion

Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Trouble keeps you runnin' faster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Save the planet from disaster
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Spinnin' through a world in motion
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom

*cool music (no words) continues until fade out about 40 seconds later*

EvilClaw Journal 2

Post 4

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

... pls don't desecrate my journal with that song just b/c i like it and continually sing it wrong.

EvilClaw Journal 2

Post 5

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

[Netscape Icon]
I told you we were in the wrong parody
[Windows Icon]
*looks over top of map
Oh !@#$

EvilClaw Journal 2

Post 6

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

.... I don't like the looks of this place... its too... kiddy!

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