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Evangeline Started conversation Jan 20, 2003
Windows XP is awful.
Could someone please tell me how to disable those annoying speech bubbles on the start menu that make it seem as though I'm typing a cartoon? I get an error message that says my sound card isn't properly installed.... the error noise was nice and clear! The one thing that really has me a bit confuzzled
is: Braille is listed as a font.
Vicki Virago - Proud Mother Posted Jan 20, 2003
Morning dear
I use Windows XP at work. I don't seem to have the problems you are having, but I will try and ask around in work to see if anyone can answer your query.
Might take me a day or two so bear with me!!!!
BTW I got your e-mail, will reply shortly. Loads to tell!
Evangeline Posted Jan 21, 2003
Good to see you!
Any assistance disabling those "helpful" features would be much appreciated.
XP doesn't do this to everyone? That's not fair! When you move the cursor over something it doesn't spew all sorts of "help" tips at you? Of course the "help" is blocking the button I'm trying to click at the time
. But, really now...Braille as a alternative web page
viewing font?!! I want '98 back
The sound card problem may have been the graphics card. I was trying to play a dvd at the time...LOTR, actually.
>>>Loads to tell<<<...
Do tell. I'll just make some
while I wait. Would you like some? Of course I'll probably be shopping online too... At least I do far more looking than buying.
I live in absolute fear that everyone I talk to on this website is going to show up at once(again). The last time that happened, about a year ago, we all ended up in the top posters list, the longest postings list, the most frequently updated conversation list... We also had no sleep. Every now and then I wonder if some of those people will show up again for a nice normal conversation...then I realize most of those conversations were nowhere near normal, by any stretch...That's okay though, normal conversation is highly overrated.
Vicki Virago - Proud Mother Posted Jan 21, 2003
Apparently cos we have Windows XP for business, it is different from the one you use at home.
No-one knows how to solve the problem.
Go to Microsoft and kick ass until someone helps you.
Did you get my e-mail reply?
Evangeline Posted Jan 22, 2003
Thanks for asking.
I finally found the ing off switch
: start menu, control panel, task bar, classic style...then folder options/view, single click to open, and classic style....Yay!
The animated paper clippy thing was the first to go when I finally got to Microsoft Word. Then I changed the appearance settings to a nice readable default font, a light blueish background and a purple text color.
This is both versions of XP(although it may be a regional difference, in which case I'm definitely in the wrong region)...We bought new Dell computers for work(small business pro) and home(home edition) right after Christmas.
I did get your email(s). Will reply in email.
Evangeline Posted Jan 24, 2003
If you click paper clippy something pops up that says options, one of which is do not use assistant, Click There!!! You know you want to. Have you seen the other assistants? Our other choices were a cat, a dog, a wizard, and a robot. At home I have wordperfect by corel, it is much easier(at least for me) to deal with. It even comes with the Oxford Dictionary as a spell checker choice. I don't need or use a Webster's spell checker.
Meanwhile I have inadvertantly found a really subtle yet neat practical joke...Go to control panel, then click keyboard, click the language tab, then select any other language.
I have two different accounts on my home computer. The account I use to surf the internet has a few different settings: The spell checker is English, United Kingdom and the time is GMT. The keyboard is set to English, United Kingdom as well, mainly because the £ sign is a three digit alt code on an American keyboard. It really wasn't meant to irritate Mike for not logging in on his account...that was just a bonus... Actually, he figured out where the @sign was and guessed where the " would be.
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