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Bit blowy today...

Post 1


lost a sheet off the line - had to rescue it from the shed roof.

Bit blowy today...

Post 2


A good drying day - provided you could keep it on the line.

Can't say I'm looking forward to the equinoxial gales that seem to be coming our way.

Some rain tomorrow would be good though - soften up the ground so I can spend the weekend planting bulbs smiley - smiley

Bit blowy today...

Post 3


We've got rain now - bit too much! Isn't that so often the way, one extreme to the other smiley - doh
My newly sown grass is doing well though smiley - ok

Bit blowy today...

Post 4

McKay The Disorganised

Good job thee's no such thing as global warming I say. Otherwise we might have strange weather.

smiley - cider

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