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Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
Z Started conversation Jun 3, 2012
I really enjoyed hosting last month's create challenge. I love writing for h2g2, and I love the way that the entry will grow and change in peer review. I've really enjoyed writing for h2g2, and I hope to do more of it.
The problem is that what tends to stop me writing for h2g2 is, well h2g2. I would love to write an entry, but I end up discussing something on h2g2 itself, or getting involved in cat hearding. But sometimes I just need a bit of a prod, a hook and an idea. That was why the Create challenge of 'Hobbies' worked really well for me, I already know about my hobby, so all I needed to do was write it down.
I loved seeing how other people's entries on hobby's came together, it was amazing to see all the different hobbies, from Hoovooloo's entry on flying to Deke's wonderful on flying models. Not to mention 2legs on 'Zen and Baguettes'.
A few of the entries were last minute jobs for the deadline, you'd think that the quality would be poorer, but it certainly wasn't, the entries were excellent. When I took on the May challenge I was struggling to think of one entry I could write, but now I'm back in love with writing for h2g2, and I'm fizzing with ideas.
So now we're in June, and the challenge is to write about our favourite music, or even the music we hate. This is also a pretty wide ranging challenge. I'm going to write a review of the first Opera I went to, but we've all got a first record, and a favourite band, and only some of them have been covered as extensively as Billy Joel....
What are you going to be writing about?
Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
Mol - on the new tablet Posted Jun 3, 2012
We have all got a first record. Those of us who used to buy 45s (youngsters: think large black CDs) also probably have a *last* record. I was slightly bothered when cataloguing my singles to find that I wasn't certain which one was the 'last'. I suppose I didn't realise it would be the last time.
Anyway, that's all I have to say on music. Not sure it's enough for an entry
Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
Z Posted Jun 3, 2012
My last was Pulp, brought from a market in Athens in 2000, probably the last place you could buy records.
What was your first?
Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jun 4, 2012
Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Jun 4, 2012
I'm just dropping a link in the thread here to the new challenge. I know it's on the Front page, but here's a shortcut. A87760858
Good luck everybody, and I have no idea which was my first record, I do know that when I was a teenager my parents bought me a dansette record player that was pale blue and totally state of the art for the time. It came with 6 discs, one of which was a Beatles single but I can't recall which one it was.
Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jun 4, 2012
I think my first music CD was a collection of Disney movie songs. As a teenager I bout 2 or 3 collections of pop songs because everyone did. I also own the Lord of the Rings soundtrack (3 CDs). And that's all I have.
Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Jun 4, 2012
One of the best things I've bought in the last decade was an external stand-alone turntable preamp (Graham slee gram amp II for anyone geeky enough as me to know what that means).... only thing is, after re-discovering my vinyl collection, it was so so tempting to just bin the extensive decades or two's worth of CD collecting.... seriously... vinyl is the new CD.... I've some albums on origional casette, vinyl, and* CD... and there's no comparason; the vinyl has more instruments in it, yet it is, one assumes, taken from the same master tapes/copies as the casette and CD is
As to my first, or last vinyl... tricky... the last was probably the rare Bonxo dog band album, with temperance 7 on the B side... I think just a studeo recording rather than ever an actual release... probably wouldn't be any point in writing about that, I doubt there are more than a few dozen copies left in existance heck... you think I'm obsessed by bread... music... its a whole differnt baguette tray of welks...
I've an idea.
this is, a really, really silly idea, and I doubt if there's enough matterial on each, for it to work...
I could really* dust down the vinyl collection (get those carbon fibre brushes out already...)
naa. this is such a stupid idea....
I'm sure someone..... already did Broadway the hardway, but I must have another err three or four or ten dozen Zappa albums,..... that could be an entire 'university project' in itself... an entry on each though somehow I expect my concentration would never be sufficient to, oh, must go and err what was I , oh, yes, must err, nope... I'm sure I was on a line of thought there...
hmmm... angleds... obtuse.....
do we have any entrys on HiFi gear? Still don't understand why CDs don't need turning over half way through the album... albums... anyone remember them?
quite oppertune seeing as how I spent last night re-living the 60's/70's (which I never really lived the first time round), being hippies in a bedsit, and listening to most all of the Beatles... in chronological order... of course ~==
I'm still waiting for someone to spot the purposeful spelling mistake in my baguette entry... it is quite well hidden amongst the non-intentional typographical and spelling errors mind
NO idea what my first vinyl purchase would have been... I'm guessing a box of vinyl, bought from a jumble sale/car boot, in which was one or two records I particularly wanted... I've the origional vinyl of the soundtrack for the 'sound of music' somewhere lurking about Mind, to my credit, I do have the origional 7" single of 'hole in my shoe' by neil from the young ones
I dread to think waht some of my vinyl might be worth these days... I've some strange Nivana stuff on vinyl too, which I don't think was proper released stuff... not like its anything undiscovered, just weird combination of things on a single err single...
I still remember the day ... when about 14 I was in Andy's records, and discovered, lurking amongst the piles of vinyl, an album I'd never seen, at a silly cheap price of (from memory) £2.49, still one of my fav albums (Starfleet album Brian May and friends), and I still dont' think they've ever re-released that one on CD or digital
It doesn't take much to please me... I'm still looking at William's unusual (to me), turntable (not the main ones he's got), which is an old (1960's?) virticle turntable.... its on the wall
and you kinda clip the record into it
... mind, don't quite see why we needed vinyl... waht was wrong with wax cildenders?
Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Jun 9, 2012
Think I may* have found something to write about... probably a journal... as I'm off at some (appropiately) un-Godly hour tommorrow morning, to go to Donnington (feeling just a wee bit sorry my friend, who's driving, won't be able to drink whilst we're there), to go see (amongst others), Black Sabbath at Donnington A group I used to like a lot, in the way back when, although admitidly I've probably not listened to more than a couple of songs by them in recent years
mind, I'm sure given a minute or two I can remember how to play on the guitar most of their well-known ones...
Bit ponderous wondering waht they''ll be like, considering the band must have a combined age of about two thousand by now,
Certainly be the biggest concert I've been too, and the only real outdoor one too
Actually last 'rock' gig I went too, excluding pub local bands, (and a Jazz singer and a solo guitarist), was probably Faith No more, back when I was at Uni... err a long while ago
sadly the acoustics in the Cambridge Corn exchange were and are aweful so that wasn't perhaps the best it could have been... took me days afterwards for my hearing to recover mind... I just hope I don't loose too much hearing at this one, seeing as it is outside
BoB knows what time we'll get back Sunday evening... and then I've an early start Monday to let the gas engineer in
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Create - lets do it again (this time it's music)...
- 1: Z (Jun 3, 2012)
- 2: Mol - on the new tablet (Jun 3, 2012)
- 3: Z (Jun 3, 2012)
- 4: Witty Moniker (Jun 3, 2012)
- 5: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Jun 4, 2012)
- 6: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Jun 4, 2012)
- 7: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Jun 4, 2012)
- 8: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Jun 4, 2012)
- 9: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jun 4, 2012)
- 10: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jun 9, 2012)
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