This is the Message Centre for Z

23.11.11 Our next Holiday

Post 21

Mol - on the new tablet

Just three miles from Watford Gap services ...

I think you should do it as a Grand Tour of Researchers.

Or if you publish the route, we could line it with flags and bunting.


23.11.11 Our next Holiday

Post 22

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - spacesmiley - cool

Road trips are cool. Can't wait to do some on my BMW K1100LT next riding season!
smiley - biker

23.11.11 Our next Holiday

Post 23

I'm not really here

I'd much rather wave at Z and Ben than the olympic flame... smiley - biggrin

And of course the journey is as important as the the holiday - I didn't drive about England (and sometimes Scotland) in that slow old motorhome for years just for weekends just for the weekend. smiley - biggrin

23.11.11 Our next Holiday

Post 24

Mrs Zen

>> I'd much rather wave at Z and Ben than the olympic flame...

I SO want to make that qotd! smiley - laugh I could practice my "Queen Waving" act. smiley - somersault

23.11.11 Our next Holiday

Post 25


Ben dearest...

Quote of the day is not their to massage your ego...

It's to massage *my* ego.

23.11.11 Our next Holiday

Post 26

I'm not really here

oooh I've never been qotd before. Not that I know of anyway. smiley - biggrin Do it!

23.11.11 Our next Holiday

Post 27


That sounds like a fabulous journey. I hope you encounter many eccentric little spots to tell us about. smiley - envy

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