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Coronation chicken

Post 1


Hi BooCooToo,
This is the original recipe from the Cordon Bleu Cookery book. Obviously, for copyright reasons, I can`t post it on the message board but this is the recipe which was served at the Queen`s coronation.

Coronation Chicken (cold) (For 6-8)

2 young roasting chickens
Water and a little wine to cover
Bouquet garni
salt + 3-4 peppercorns
Cream of curry sauce

Poach the chickens with the carrot, bouquet, salt and peppercorns in sufficient water and wine to just cover the birds. (N.B. original recipe does not say how much salt - I would add 1 teaspoon and taste the liquid when it comes to the boil and adjust seasoning to taste - don`t overseason as the liquid will give you stock) Bring the liquid up to the boil, skim if necessary, reduce the heat and simmer the birds for about 40 minutes until cooked and tender. Allow the birds to cool in the liquid. Remove the birds, joint and strip the meat off, cut into bite sized pieces.

Mix the chicken with the sauce.

Cream of curry sauce (6-8 portions)
1 tablespoon oil
2 oz finely chopped onion
1 dessertspoon curry powder
1 good teaspoon tomato purée
1 wineglass red wine
3/4 wineglass water
a bayleaf
salt, sugar, a touch of pepper
a slice of two of lemon and a squeeze of lemon juice - maybe more
1-2 tablespoons apricot purée
3/4 pint mayonnaise
2-3 tablespoons whipped cream

Heat the oil, add onion, cook gently for 3-4 minutes, add curry-powder. Cook again 1-2 minutes. Add the puree, wine, water, and bayleaf. Bring to the boil, add salt, sugar to taste, pepper and the lemon and lemon juice. Simmer with the pan uncovered 5-10 minutes. Strain (through a sieve into a bowl) and cool.
When cold, add by degrees to the mayonnaise with the apricot purée to taste. Adjust seasoning by adding a little more lemon juice if necessary. Finish with the whipped cream (fold this in).

there endeth the recipe

A few tips:

I suspect that the size of wineglass used was small by today`s standards - 125 ml, certainly not more than 150mls - we`re talking standard 1953 size of glass!

I would put a large pot into the fridge when you start cooking the chickens and when they are cooked, place all the stock and the chickens into the chilled pot to reduce the temperature as quickly as possible.

Place the chicken in a bowl and dress with the sauce - add some and mix very gently until you have the chicken well coated and ennough sauce to chicken - it`s a judgement call. Any sauce left over could be taken to the party and served separately.

The original accompaniment to this was a rice salad with cooked peas, diced raw cucmber and mixed chopped herbs in a French dressing.

Hope this helps, I must get around to making the sauce and measuring ingredients etc., in metric and generally playing around with it so I can post it on the messageboard.

All the best,

Coronation chicken

Post 2


Thanks so much!

I will definately make this version and I may try a little with some toasted, flaked almonds in it. If its a good addition I will add to the main dish or do some with, some without.

I am a great lover of taking a recipe then mucking about with it!

Thanks again smiley - biggrin

Coronation chicken

Post 3


Hi Archiduc.

Justy to say that this is the recipe I grew up with and is exactly how I make it. It's not coronation chicken otherwise, in my view. It might even be better, though I doubt it.

All the best

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