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George W Bush and the broken digital radio

Post 1


Last night, I was listening to George W Bush giving a speech about Iraq-

I then spent half an hour trying to get the ariel back on my digital radio after losing my temper wityh it. Hypocritical, lying, inconsistent, the lot.
Dubya that is, not the radio.

To give you an impression:

"After 11 September, I made a commitment to the American people: this nation will not wait to be attacked again. We will take the fight to the enemy. We will defend our freedom."

Now, George, if you invade other countries, that's not defence, that's attack. And why the continual linking of 9/11 to Iraq anyway. it was very much a Saudi/Afghan activity.

Anyway, my break's nearly over, so I'll post. Just needed to vent.

George W Bush and the broken digital radio

Post 2


Egon, if you're frustrated with Dubya, think how all of the Americans who didn't vote for him feel. smiley - cross And how totally PO'd we are at the ones who did vote for him.

His approval ratings are getting lower and lower. The speech was a brazen attempt to rally his supporters. They don't need or want actual facts. Nor do they require logical conclusions. Just tell them how great the US is and that we're on a mission to save the world and they'll wipe a tear out of the corner of their right eye, call their congressman and tell him to support the president, and go to bed happy in the knowledge that they have done their duty for god and country.

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George W Bush and the broken digital radio

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