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Egon enjoys a wedding

Post 1


I went to a wedding at the weekend, the first I've been to since the age of five. My cousin was getting married, and it was fantastic. An unusual approach to wedding cakes, a hymn better known to the congregation as a football anthem, a ludicrously nice hotel, my Uncle managing not to stammer during his "father of the bride" speech. Anotehr cousin bringing her boyfriend, an Ecuadorean financial analyst with a PhD, home to met the family for the first time- about 100 in one go.

And also, the first dance was to the best love song ever- Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel, the wedding band were a white soul band and the DJ just played good music and didn't speak.

Oh, and I drank for 13 hours, including a bottle and a half of Pinot Grigio, five glasses of champagne, the most expensive bottle of Brown Ale in history and most of the hotel's supply of Hoegarden.

Egon enjoys a wedding

Post 2

Mu Beta

Nob any bridesmaids?


Egon enjoys a wedding

Post 3


No- I'm related to all of them.

Egon enjoys a wedding

Post 4

Mu Beta

That's a reasonable excuse. Unless you're from the Forest Of Dean, of course.


Egon enjoys a wedding

Post 5

McKay The Disorganised

In which case the only wedding you'd attend might possibly be your parents.

smiley - cider

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