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My old house was just on telly

Post 1


Got home from work, stuck Sky Sports News on, a bloke was interviewimng the Mayor of Sunderland on the rooftop carpark of the Civic Centre, with the camera pointing towards Mowbray Park. (The football team are going to parade the championship trophy through the streets later) On the opposite side of Mowbray park, one could clearly see Toward Road, and the house I lived in for two and a bit years until I left the city last October.

Made me feel nostalgic- I wish I was up there celebratign with them- there's nothing in this world quit like thousands of delighted Mackems.

My old house was just on telly

Post 2


What a nice surprise. Things like that are cool. smiley - smiley

My old house was just on telly

Post 3

clzoomer- a bit woobly

What an amazing coincidence! My book was just on television! I put it down for a minute until I noticed how dusty the top was! smiley - tongueout

Yes, a nice surprise. smiley - cheers

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