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Another job interview

Post 1


I've got a job interview tomorrow at noon, for a job at Lancaster County Court. So, I've assembled my various paperwork proving who I am, what qualifications I have, and who thinks I'm competent (current employer, barrister and PhD being my three referees)

Another job interview

Post 2

Mu Beta

Qualifications? Competence? Not much paperwork there, then.


Another job interview

Post 3

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*who thinks I'm competent*

Wot, no psychologist? smiley - rofl

Another job interview

Post 4


Good luck Egon. Hope you get the job.

Another job interview

Post 5


It seemed to go alright, but I won't hear back for a week or two

Another job interview

Post 6


I didn't get that job. But I've got a job interview at the Warrington Combined Court next Wednesday morning now.

Another job interview

Post 7

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Better luck next time. At least it's not scheduled for tomorrow!

smiley - cheers

Another job interview

Post 8

Mu Beta

Are you going to be a ballboy or a line judge?


Another job interview

Post 9

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I understand hand washing balls is a lucrative profession!smiley - tennisball

smiley - biggrin

Another job interview

Post 10

Mu Beta

I've a friend in that racket...


Another job interview

Post 11

Mu Beta

I think she's Annette...


Another job interview

Post 12

clzoomer- a bit woobly

In the immortal words of Flanders and Swann: *They are bashing a ball with the guts of a cat.* smiley - smiley

Two love I believe..

Another job interview

Post 13


Had my latest job interview yesterday morning at the Warrington Combined Crown and County Court. It seemed to go quite well, I avoided looking like ablithering idiot, and I even had a sensible question when the chair of the panel asked "do you have any questions for us".

Won't hear back until next week at the earleist though.

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