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Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 1


My bathroom ceiling fell in yesterday, which was a surprise. Fortunately I wasn't on the toilet or in the bath at the time or I would have got several square feet of plaster and slate on me.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

Well, there's a misleading subject title for us all...

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 3


Bovril sandwiches smiley - drool...

smiley - erm Anyway, to go beck to the topic of the thread.... !

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 4


No, not at all. I was eating a bovril sandwich at thje time that I hyard an almighty crash from the bathroom.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 5


Oh, and Odo- my reaction too. Fortunately it's mostlky been sorted out,a nd I'll be able to switch my lights back on soon (the water that led top the ceiliong collapsing was coming through arounfd the lightbulb and switch, and so tripped the switch for the circuit, and I've been advised to leave it like that until the remaining bits of ceiling have dried.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 6


smiley - erm Sounds like you're living in a bit of a death trap.

Good luck.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 7


I'll need it...

*starts on script for "indiana Jones and the Bathroom of Death"*

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 8

Mu Beta

Given the average student bathroom, I think it'd be quite scary enough without a collapsed ceiling.


Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 9


Well, yes.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 10


Egon, I'm glad you weren't hurt. smiley - yikes

And what is a bovril sandwich? Is your bovril our bovine?

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 11


Bovril's a meat paste that, if you add boiling water, becomes a drink with a close similarity to gravy. And if you don't add water, it's a fantastic sandwich filling.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 12


It sounds better as a sandwich than a drink. I'm trying to imagine drinking gravy. smiley - ill

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 13

Witty Moniker

You probably have to use a straw. smiley - silly

Sorry about the ceiling, Egon. Maybe the plasterer will be a cutie.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 14


Well all I know is that the Landlady's handyman who came round to sort out the leak which had caused the implosion in the first case is *definitely* not my type...

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 15


"Bovril's a meat paste that, if you add boiling water, becomes a drink with a close similarity to gravy."

Egon, you must have had a pretty strange upbringing if you think that bovril and water is similar to gravy smiley - erm

I would have said that in appearance the mix looks more like French Onion soup (minus the onion pieces floating in it); and tastes like a dissolved meat stock cube ie all meaty and very salty.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 16


Some people make gravy from stock cubes.

To be honest it was just the best example that sprung to mind, although maybe not a particularly good one...

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 17


So it's like bouillon cubes only soft enough to spread on bread for a sandwich? When you said a meat paste, I was thinking it was similar to pate or potted meat, which does make a fair sandwich.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 18


Bovril in the jar looks like crude oil -- sticky, thick, black and smelly, though not of hydrocarbons obviously.

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 19

Secretly Not Here Any More

It's a surprising alternative to marmite...

Mmmmm, Bovril sandwiches

Post 20


Yes, it gives vegetarians a right big surprise when you feed it to them smiley - laughsmiley - yikes

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