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Great quotes of our time no.1

Post 1


From Neil Gaiman's "Death: the time of your life"-

"the film sucks warm sick through a short straw. It's utterly fecal"

Great quotes of our time no.2

Post 2


from the following page of the same book:

"it's probably how he would have wanted to go. Just out like that. Me, I wanted to be squashed by a bull elephant at the moment of orgasm while sandwiched ecstatically between two or three agile greased nubian virgins"

Great quotes of our time no.2

Post 3


"There is nothing so overrated as a piece of a** and nothing so underated as a good, healthy s**t*.

Aunt Hattie to Uncle Harvey upon the occassion of a headache.

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Great quotes of our time no.1

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