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forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 1


You remember Sergei Bubka, the Soviet Pole Vaulter? he used to deliberately break the world record by 1cm at every meeting, as the SOviets paid him a flat fee per record, regardless of how much it was a record by?

Anyway, apparently he's in the boy's singles at Wimbledon:

Or, more realistically, his son is.

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 2

Mu Beta

Well, forget ye not that exceedingly-geeky ladies tennis prodigy, Elena Baltacha, is the daughter of average right-back Sergei.


forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 3


...and sister of very average centre-back Sergei junior.

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 4

Mu Beta

They put it about a bit, the Sergei's, don't they?


forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 5


Aye. I think Sergei Baltacha junior may have played age-level football for Scotland. Under 19s or something.

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 6

Mu Beta

He's bloody rubbish in CM01/02, I know that.


forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 7


That he is.

apparently he's been clubless for fifteen months since St.Mirren releassed him and he had an operation on his back, but he's having a trial with Queen of the South

Sergei senior, meanwhile, is also clubless. He was caretaker manager of St. Mirren for one game in 1998, which they lost 3-0. And, inj his heyday, he looked alittle something like this-

It's amazing what happens when you type "sergei baltacha" into google, innit?

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 8

Mu Beta

Isn't Sergei senior well past retirement age, though?


forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 9


yes, he's a coach, but currently not coaching anyone. But was acoach at St.M, hence the caretaker manager thing.

St Mirren are responsible for one of my favourite statistical anomalies- they were the most recent league team in the world whose top scorer started every game of the season in goal. Campbell Money took the penalties, see, and the strikers were crap.

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 10

Mu Beta

Oooh. Nice quiz question. smiley - ok


forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 11


i can't remember what year though, it was some time in the early nineties, and I had a football card of Campbell Money. I got him as a swap from someone for one of my Nayims (i somehow acquired six Nayims. Which would be enough to bring David Seaman out in a cold sweat)

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 12

Mu Beta

The only season I collected football cards was 87-88. And the card that everyone inexpicably had loads of then was a chap who played for QPR with a moustache. David something, I think. smiley - erm


forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 13


For QPR I can only recall owning Les Ferdinand and I think Clive Wilson.

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 14

Mu Beta

Nope. Way before their time. 1987, remember. Peter Beagrie had only just started playing then.


forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 15


Look, in 1987, I turned SIX. I wish I could remember 1987- It was the last time we won the elague- but everything before about 89 is before my time, sorry.

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 16

Mu Beta

Well, I was only 8, but it was the last time I took a committed interest in football stickers. smiley - tongueout


forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 17


You know, I bought the UEFA 2004 Computer game, and the Football Manager (new name for what we know as CM- the next CM's going to be very different apparently) magazine, both came with free Panini football stickers, and the magazine with an album

So I gave them to my sisster,a primary school teacher, to put in the "oh for god's sake, if you'll just BEHAVE for a week, you can have something from this box" box, and apparently the kid who got it was ecstatic. They're easily pleased in Leigh...

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 18

Number Six

Baltacha's quite good in CM00/01.

smiley - mod

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 19


Sergei, Sergei jr or Elena?

forty-something polevaulter plays junior tennis

Post 20

Number Six


smiley - mod

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