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making myself a compilation CD

Post 1


The delights of a CD writer.

I'm making myself a CD to listen to while next on the train.

So far, it's:

1. Charlotte Hatherley- Kim Wilde
2. Loretta Lynn- Family Tree
3. Jeff Buckley- Hallelujah
4. The Piranhas- Tom Hark
5. Aswad- Shine
6. Albert hammond- free Electric Band
7. Amy Winehouse- F**k Me Pumps
8. Athena- For Real
9. Bic Runga- Sway
10. John Prine and Iris DeMent- In Spite of Ourselves
11. Johnny CAsh- I'm On Fire
12. Khia- My Neck, My Back (lick it)

making myself a compilation CD

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

*shudders involuntarily*

I'm glad I'm not sat on that train if there's any sound leak at all...

making myself a compilation CD

Post 3

Mu Beta

As far as I'm aware, 'Shine' is in G, and 'Free Electric Band' is in A.

Have you any idea what sort of clash that is going to create, philistine?


making myself a compilation CD

Post 4


Well, I don't know how I got here, personally I blame the strange little Men Not Gods And Certainly Not Real Punctuation man, but anyway I noticed Jeff Buckley in there and thought I'd better say: that bit about 4 and a half minutes in where it goes quiet and then climbs up again...sublime smiley - ok.

making myself a compilation CD

Post 5


* agrees with Psycorp *

* shudders *

smiley - erm

making myself a compilation CD

Post 6

Secretly Not Here Any More

I need to work out what to put on my MP3 player for my tour of France and the Low Countries next month....

But it'll be none of that!

making myself a compilation CD

Post 7


Well you certainly are an eclectic little fellow aren't you smiley - ok!

I don't know how people from either the jeff Buckley or Khia camps would feel about the two of them being on the same compilation, but you're a maverick, and don't play by the same rules as mere mortals smiley - biggrin.

making myself a compilation CD

Post 8

Number Six

I downloaded Tom Hark last night. Now I can have the full-on rugby league experience in the comfort of my own house. Egon, or whatever you're calling yourself these days, I blame you for this.

smiley - mod

making myself a compilation CD

Post 9

Mu Beta

Yes, on that note, can you please change your nickname back to something resembling the usual...


making myself a compilation CD

Post 10


et voila

making myself a compilation CD

Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More


making myself a compilation CD

Post 12

Mu Beta

Isn't that a musical instrument?


making myself a compilation CD

Post 13

Secretly Not Here Any More

I thought that was a viola...

making myself a compilation CD

Post 14

Mu Beta

Na, that's a flower, isn't it?


making myself a compilation CD

Post 15

Number Six

No, it's what Fiorentina fans call their team.

(They're back in Serie A, apparently. Two full seasons after going out of business and starting again in C2. A nice trick if you can manage it)

smiley - mod

making myself a compilation CD

Post 16

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Fiorentina, isn't that one of those Austrian squeeze boxes with the flowers painted on it? smiley - smiley

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