A Conversation for Alcoholic Ginger Beer


Post 1


Something I can brew in a miniscule flat smiley - biggrin

I loved this as a kid, Just got to sort some bottles now......


Post 2


I´ve done it, gone and started a plant today. It´s picnic time and all we need is lashings of ginger beer!


Post 3


I made this last week but bottled it in old 2lt lemonade bottles.
I have to keep releasing the gas from the bottles.
Can you tell me if this is right to keep doing it? If I don't, I'm scared they might explode but as this is my first attempt at anything like this, all help much appreciated!!smiley - biggrin


Post 4


This recipe although delicious, provides only slight alcoholic content if that is what youre aiming for- not much more than fruit juice about 1%

For those who are having trouble with the bottles exploding for filling with too much gas. Try alternating the sugar and ginger eash day rather than both each day. I have used this or a similar recipie many times to find my bottles explode or fizz too much losing most of the drink. I followed the advice from an experianced ginger beer maker and alternated the sugar and ginger days. I then got a drink with little sediment, that did not explode or fizz uncontrollably when opened. The Best batch of all the brews I've tried. I will not go back now. Try it for just one brew and see the difference for yourself.smiley - ok


Post 5


Some miss-understandings here I think. When the "plant" is being fed each day the lid should NOT be on the glass jar or bottle, so no pressure is involved. The pressure is developed during the second fermentation after the bulk quantity of sugar and water is added and the bottle is left, sealed, in a warm place for a week or 2. If you use those big 1.5 Ltr plastic "PET" bottles that fizzy pop comes in you will be fine. I have never had one of these explode in all the time I have been doing this. Have a look at this thread on here for some more information. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F98780?thread=4585425&post=56556608#p56556608

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