A Conversation for Roman Construction Methods - The Road

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23968876 - Construction Of A Roman Road

Post 1


Entry: Construction Of A Roman Road - A23968876
Author: Bob Stafford. ACE smiley - smiley (Keeper of The Treacle Shadow) - U3151547

Awaiting comment and iinput please.

A23968876 - Construction Of A Roman Road

Post 2


Unless anyone can see a future for this as a stand alone (the road building elements are covered nowhere else on the guide) entry I think it has some merit but opinion is against it.
I have pulled it out of PR and put it in EGWW until I sort it out I still need ideas and input.

1. It will be added to uniuque material eg how to build a bridge, aquaduct, villa, defensive wall and marching camp
2, form a linking peice for this lot
A24369951 Watling Street Dover (Portus Dubris) to Brecon (Gaer, Y Gaer). In EG
A24778704 Fosse Way - Exeter (Isca Dumnoniorum) to Lincoln (Lindum Colonia). In PR
With related entries shch as...
A24591099 The Groma: The Tool That Built An Empire In EG
A22747935 The Roman Invasion of Britain In PR

In construction
Ermine Street - London (Londinium) to York (Eboracum).
On the Peddlers Way from the ferry at Kempstone to Longthorp Cambridgeshire.
On the Fen Causeway from Longthorp to Water Newton - Durobriuae Cambridgeshire.
On Ermine Street from Water Newton to London - Londinium.
On Stane Street from London to Chichester and Bosham.

In Planning
Dere Street - York (Eboracum) to Chew Green at the eastern end of the Antonine wall.
Akeman Street - London (Londinium) to Cirencester (Corinium Dobunnorum).
Stone Street - Brecon (Gaer, Y Gaer) to Caerleon (Iscia Silurum).
Stane Street - London (Londinium) to Chichester (Novinagus Regnorum).

A23968876 - Roman Road: Construction
will change to
A23968876 - Roman: Construction Methods

Bob...smiley - smiley

A23968876 - Construction Of A Roman Road

Post 3


So now I have added the bridge section it needs a comment or 2.

Bob...smiley - smiley

A23968876 - Construction Of A Roman Road

Post 4


PS:- This entry is at 1700 words now, if I add aqueducts as they are related to bridges, I think that will do it 2100 words will be enough don't you think.

I will do another entry for buildings later...

Bob...smiley - smiley

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 5


New title

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23968876 - Construction Of A Roman Road

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