This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

...because it might just make me feel better. Turns out I'm not eligible for any money from the dole because EV is working (never mind the fact I'm not a freeloader and feel guilty asking him for the bus fare into town!), although I could get Working Tax Credits, whatever they are. But only if I can find my P60 from the tax year ending 2002. However, I would be entitled to free healthcare! That's just great, isn't it - I'll have no money to pay any of my personal bills (credit card, etc) but at least I can get prescriptions for free!

However, the nice lady in the Jobcentre (yes, there are nice people who work in the Civil Service!) said would I like a job in said Jobcentre? What the hell, I said, so I took the application form and filled it in. If I get the job in there (which at my rate of 'you have been unsuccessful' letters, no chance at all) at least I don't have to worry about bus fares, which is something.

I'm so desperate for a job I've even applied to a call centre.

smiley - sadface

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 2


Sorry to hear this fords. smiley - cuddle

I've got another friend who is in the same boat - she doesn't get a penny while she looks for work because her other half is working, but it means *he* has to give her money to pay off credit cards she ran up before she went out with him! And she's the same about asking for bus fares, although without the bus, she can't find work!

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 3


Good luck with the jobs though!

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 4

Demon Drawer

You applied to a call centre!!!!!

Which one? Not here is it?

As for nice people in the civil service I used to work for the SSA so yes there are nice people or at least were dealing with Social Security. smiley - winkeye

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Don't worry, it's not your one DD! smiley - winkeye

It's so frustrating - I'm willing to work, I have loads of skills and experience and am willing to learn but nobody seems to want me. Then there's people like the downstairs neighbour, a bloke who spends his giro on Buckfast and Lambrini (he puts the bottles in the recycle bin for cans and plastic - idiot), who haven't worked for years but get money thrown at them. It makes me so mad - I actually cried out of blimmin' frustration today smiley - grr

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 6


smiley - cuddlesmiley - cheerup

swear at me in mail if you wantsmiley - winkeye

hope you have some luck soon!

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 7

fords - number 1 all over heaven

You'll need to email me you addy again smiley - winkeye

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 8


[email protected] gets me quickestsmiley - smiley

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 9

Zak T Duck

smiley - hug Everything'll turn out right in the end. Look at me for example smiley - smiley

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 10

Mu Beta

I would be sympathetic, but you're in the same boat I was in when I first moved into Odo's house. smiley - sadface


I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 11

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit in another boat
"Just do not swear loud at a new job's place smiley - winkeye

Or use the comfortable ***** to blank it from vision."

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 12

Mu Beta

Boy, I had to read that post twice. I wondered what Traveller was suggesting, then.


I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 13

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - erm I don't think I do even after reading it twice, and I thought I was getting used to his style!

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 14

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit trying to demystify his own writing
"We are running this thread under the title:
>I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Where we can mask any non decent language by using ****

fords Seems to give a new job a go
>I'm so desperate for a job I've even applied to a call centre.

But even then
>I actually cried out

I am suggesting not to cry out loud these swear words on a(ny) new job. Where silent would be using ***, as in only thinking them."

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 15


I know how you feel, i'm a starving student living off of toast and oranges. hope things pick up for you.

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 16

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Traveller: I cried, not cried out.

Spookum, I remember those days. My grant cheque was late so I once had to spend a fortnight living on toast and jam or jam sandwiches for the variety smiley - hug

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 17

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Luxury! smiley - biggrin

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 18

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

I don't really know how some folk can stay on the dole for years- delibratelysmiley - erm Though we all know of examples.

I was unemployed for over a year a decade or so ago, and at first i was pretty much left alone, but then the rules changed and i was getting 'badgered' weekly for evidence of job interviews attended etc..

I suspect long term spongers like your neighbour are using fictional/exaggerated illnesses to allow an ongoing claim.

Anyway, good luck Fords, you'll get sumfink soon- i can feel it in my bonesmiley - biggrin

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 19

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Thanks Winnoch - but which bone would that be...?

I wish we were allowed to swear on h2g2...

Post 20

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

smiley - blushWell you know, couldn't really say...

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