A Conversation for Butter and Margarine

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 21

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Ah... like smelling the feet of angels!

I really like the cheese with wine in it - I'm not sure where to get it any more, but it was great on triscuits with a beer on the side.

"The cheese, Gromit! We forgot the cheese!"

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 22


Never had cheese with wine in it - I would imagine sort of like liquor chocolates? How about cheese with beer inside and wine to wash it down.

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 23


You can actually get cheddar with beer and herbs in it,but it's pretty ropey!
As for the cheese with wine in it,I've had cheese with port in it,I s'pose that's the same,but to be honest,beer or wine is much better on it's own in a glass,and the cheese and biscuits on a plate...one compliments the other perfectly,although,if you drink enough wine,you won't taste the dodgy cheese with beer in it! smiley - magic

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 24

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Yeah, that does sound kind of disgusting!

The cheese with wine: it was kind of a soft sharp cheddar, with swirls of red - tasted something like a burgundy wine. Very rich, quite yummy! Came in this brown crock arrangement with one of those vacu-seal lids.

h2g2 needs an edited entry for cheese

Post 25

Sea Change

I was gone for about a week and was surprised to find where this thread had gone. Usually, people here stick pretty well on topic, so I wondered if there was an alternative place to politely refer people towards.

There isn't. smiley - smiley

I just did a search, and there aren't any edited generic cheese entries, and only a few entries that are about specific cheeses. There is one entry that is very short that looks like it might make a good start.

h2g2 needs an edited entry for cheese

Post 26

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Well, Dudemeister, you heard it... I think so too - and you've got the interest and a love of cheese!

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 27


Take the beersmiley - ale out of the cheese,put it in the barrel,
-winesmiley - stiffdrink out of the cheese, put it in the bottle,
-cheese out of the burgersmiley - burger, put it on the plate,
(put burger in the dog & forget it,)-
take the butter off the corncobsmiley - corncob,put it on some crusty bread,
(put the corncob in the chickens & forget it,)-
add slices of onions & pickles etc to the plate of cheese & crusty buttered bread-
pour a pint of beer smiley - ale from the barrel into a glass,-
Kick off yer Wellies, put yer feet up & get stuck in to an utterly luverly Ploughmans Lunch!!, smiley - biggrin
Later remove winesmiley - stiffdrink from chilled bottle, consume, & sleep smiley - cuddle

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 28


YOU UTTER NUTTER!!!!! smiley - magic

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 29


Yeah I've had the sort of thing you mean....I haven't seen it for a while. Maybe you should try somewhere like Asda or maybe Sainsbury's with a mega cheese counter (unless of course you're in the States or somewhere they don't have Asda or Sainsbury's!) smiley - biggrin

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 30

fyrelizard (muse of roses and raspberry mocha, keeper of pyrotechnics etc)

Stilton tastes a bit too much like my Dad's socks for my taste. But Wensleydale is wonderful stuff with biscuits and deserves far more recognition! Also underrated is halloumi. This is a slightly rubbery goat's chees, not great on it's own but brilliant on top things like vegetable bakes; it goes nicely brown and keeps it's shape and so is also good on veggie kebabs with peppers and red onion. It doesn't overpower the flavour of the veg. Feta has more taste for cooking but has a tendancy to crumble more. Maybe we need a cheese page?

Margarine - Bleeuurrrgghhh!!!

Post 31

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

I'm hoping that Dudemeister will work up an article on cheese. There's one in Peer Review, but it's not nearly as complete as it needs to be.

There used to be these vegetarian frozen dinners in the supermarket - Taj Mahal, I think. My favorite was spinach with goat cheese; very yummy. The cheese was, as you said, nicely brown and didn't melt in the dish, more like very solid tofu.

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